Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Revamp Your Resume The Top 5 Words to Delete

Revamp Your Resume The Top 5 Words to Delete Okay, okay, its not that you can never use these words, but according to the recruiter experts at Experteer Magazine, HR departments are tired of seeing these same buzzwords repeated on every resume, cover letter, and job application that crosses their desks!MotivatedIf you think about it, saying youre motivated is actually praising your effort over your achievements. An employer expects you to be motivated, first of all, and secondly, you could be incredibly motivated and still produce subpar work. Just think of the never-ending lines to audition for TV talent shows! Being motivated to camp outside a studio for three days doesnt mean youre a great dancer or a talented chef! In your resume, put the focus on your measurable accomplishments instead- try phrases like developed training program or increased client retention or provided dynamic design and content.  CreativeThis is another overused buzzword that has essentially lost most of its meaning. Rather than using an abstract adje ctive, look for active and descriptive verbs to showcase exactly what you did in your past work. Consider delivered new group strategies or produced increased collaboration or modeled innovative problem-solvingEnthusiasticIm guilty of this one all the time- I forget that enthusiastic, like motivated, is a bare-minimum qualification for a new hire, and one that I probably share with the other 500 CVs in the submissions folder. Worst-case scenario, it makes you sound immature and inexperienced, but trying to cover it up by being your own cheerleader. Trade enthusiastic for proactive, experienced, capable, or skilled.Thinks Outside the BoxTime to realize that not all employers actually want someone who thinks outside the box because its often code for cannot work well with others or refuses to learn company procedures because they think they know better. Rather than announcing youre an unconventional thinker, once again refocus on the actual products of all your creative work habits. E xactly what have you developed, created, implemented, or produced?ResponsibleI havent used responsible in a resume since I was applying to babysit my neighbors kids. I was 14 and an overachiever. And I got the job. But now that Im a grownup, I try to focus on leadership attributes and experience. If you must use responsible, tie it directly to job functions, i.e. Responsible for ensuring on-time payment for invoices and vendor expenses, and not as an adjective to describe yourself.  So now that youve erased these snoozy buzzwords from your resume, what will you sue to fill those holes? Experteer suggests these targeted search terms that will make you stand out from your competition instead of blending in with the enthusiastic, motivated, creative crowd!AchievedImprovedTrained/MentoredManagedCreatedInfluencedIncreased/DecreasedNegotiatedLaunchedUnder budget

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