Friday, March 20, 2020

buy custom Reflective Essay essay

buy custom Reflective Essay essay The most intriguing part of this course was touching on joining a conversation. This is because a majority of people is not aware of how to do it, meaning that they offend many people when they do it wrongly. I have learnt that one has to be careful enough to find out what a conversation is all about before giving their views or even asking anything about what is being discussed. Although this may sound a little bit difficult, I have learnt that it is expedient to do so because one is likely to fare well in any conversation community. Thus, it is crucial to find out the topic being discussed. This will help one in choosing how to contribute basing on his or her familiarity. It is also easier to develop an argument when one is familiar with the subject of a conversation. It is also necessary to be observant on the form of communication being used. This is mainly in terms of the language settings, which are addressed by the literacy settings of the community. For instance, it is always beneficial to judge the mood or reactions of the members before carefully selecting what to say. Otherwise, use of a polite language when interrupting is advantageous in trying to secure the desired reception. Reading and writing are two different things but are interconnected in a manner they one is supported by the other. In this regard, I have learned how to improve my writing skill coupled by critical reading. This is by understanding that I have to develop strong reading skills in order to gather the material I would need in my writing. For instance, a systematic process that will ensure maximum understanding of the materials being read should be coupled with academic reading. This can be done by taking notes while reading and engaging with the author in a oneto one conversation fashion. This will help much in understanding and thus helpful when it comes to writing about what has been tread. Revision skills are also improved this way thus improving my understanding of the content in the reading materials. The use of drafts is also a valuable writing approach learnt. Wring a draft first before setting to write the soft copy is critical in correcting mistakes and avoiding issues such as plagiarism. Doing peer reviews on the draft can also be crucial in improving the piece of writing. In other words, a lively writing habit involve as a series of steps before producing a finished product. This will help me in future academic writing because the work I will be writing will be up to standards and of superior quality. This means that I will be able to score well, pass, and get outstanding grades in my projects. Academic writing is mainly based on a problem solving approaches, which are supposed to begin as perceptions that rise certain questions or uncertainties. This means that it can be instrumental in writing research papers like dissertations. This is because the writing skills learn can be used in collecting data and writing out ideas properly. This is then followed by engaging other students in evaluating the information collected and then preparing drafts of the intended writings. This is followed by writing the final paper, editing, and publishing. This process in hugely supported by excellent writing and reading skills learnt. The information gained will help me in undertaking the steps of writing big academic papers. This will be critical in ensuring that I write grammatical error free papers with an academic flow. . In conclusion, I have understood the importance of using my cognitive function through interconnected domains of language use, which are mainly listening, writing, re ading and speaking. Buy custom Reflective Essay essay

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