Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Is It Never Done Learning - 1488 Words

The most significant thing I have learned from this class was that one is never done learning. I say this because I had previously thought I knew the basics of our history, so I was expecting a class that resembled what I had learned in my previous classes. But, this course was the exact opposite. My mind has been expanded and fixed with knowledge that seems too controversial to be taught. Once a great Roman author, Cicero, had said â€Å"To know nothing of what happened before you were born is to remain forever a child. And going back to this quote, I feel as though I was a child as I begun this history course. Throughout this entire course, everything previously taught proved to be either a lie or half the story. The complexity of history†¦show more content†¦And now, suddenly I am questioning everything that has been originally taught, and Zinn and Loewen showed me the truth to the myths of Columbus, Pilgrims, etc., making me right to feel suspicious. In elementary, the year 1492 was embedded in our brains always associated with Columbus, the hero, the â€Å"discoverer† of America. There was always little to none mentions of the Native Americans. Of course, mentioning on how Columbus killed and enslaved these Indians would taint the image of Columbus. Perhaps this was the beginning of twisting history, starting by making false claims of the voyage of Columbus. Loewen tore apart the idea of Columbus as a â€Å"discoverer† as in â€Å"Lies My Teacher Told Me† he brought up multiple times and evidence of Africans and the Spanish encountering the Indians. From the â€Å"similarities in blowguns†¦similar pottery†¦ cultural similarities†¦[and] Negroid and Caucasoid likenesses in sculpture and ceramics† (Loewen 2), it is undeniable that these Indians were never completely isolated from the outside world as textbooks claim them to be. It is ridiculous to celebrate a day dedicated to Columbus, when all he had done was kill Indians when they were unable provide him gold and enslave them (Zinn). The mistreatment towards Indians goes on, specifically speaking in the events of the first Thanksgiving, an event where Pilgrims and Indians supposedly united. There was always this image of pilgrims as pure people with good intentions, and that perhaps they

Sunday, December 15, 2019

How successfully does Alan Ayckbourn slice into the soul of surburbia in Absurd Person Singular Free Essays

I feel Ayckbourn does it extremely well, as he takes three very different couples with very different lives and compares and contrasts them to give the everyday people and situations we come across in our own lives. The characters in this play become more familiar as it develops and people like Marion who has a 2 faced personality becomes recognisable with people in your life. She begins complimenting Jane and Sidney on their kitchen by saying sweet things such as â€Å"what a simply dishy kitchen† but when Jane and Sidney cannot see her she turns to her husband Ronald and claims the house is â€Å"loathsome† and demands her husband to take her home in â€Å"5 minutes† However Jane and Sidney fell everything is going wonderfully, as they have only invited these particular guests, to help them in the future. We will write a custom essay sample on How successfully does Alan Ayckbourn slice into the soul of surburbia in Absurd Person Singular? or any similar topic only for you Order Now Sidney says to Ronald â€Å"I hope you’ve been giving a little bit of thought to our chat if you had a moment† Ronald is a bank manager and Sidney wants him to help him out a bit with loans. Then there is Geoff, who is married to Eva. Not that his marriage should mean anything as he constantly cheats on Eva and doesn’t care if she does or doesn’t know. Also he speaks openly about his filthy obsession. He describes one of his conquests as an â€Å"absolute little cracker†. His disloyalty unveils his shallow self but also reveals the reason for Eva’s pain which has led to depression. As Ayckbourn â€Å"slices† through each character, we can see they are all pretending be something and they all appear to concerned with themselves, except Eva she doesn’t act differently to her self or hide her problems, which is clear when she says to Sidney on the subject of her pills † they prevent me from turning into a raving lunatic†. Ayckbourn goes deeper to see her reasons for depression instead of trying to reveal a fake intention, which is what the others posses. * * * * In Act 2 the characters are slowly developing. This time the Christmas party is being held at Geoff and Eva’s and it appears they aren’t in the best of spirits as Geoff has just told Eva he’s leaving her for another woman, this is seen when he says â€Å"Sally and I will probably get somewhere else together† these words are harsh and blunt and have turned Eva mute. When the guests finally arrive, Eva has decided to commit suicide, she begins to gas herself by placing her head in the oven, when Jane walks in and believes she’s cleaning the oven and volunteers to do it herself and says â€Å"don’t you worry about the oven†¦I must clean that oven if it kills me† Eva, upset that her plan has failed then attempts to overdose herself but accidentally drops the pills down the plug hole. Whilst trying to capture them, Sidney enters and thinks she’s trying to unblock it and says â€Å"you’ll never get a sink unblocked that way† then gets his tools kit and begins to ‘fix’ it. This creates a black humour as Eva’s situation is becoming more desperate as people keep interfering even though they believe they are helping but its also quite sad because it shows how little they know about each other as they can’t even see Eva is suffering from serious depression. You can also see how involved they are with themselves and are completely oblivious to the fact that Eva is desperate to kill herself. There is a dramatic irony as Ronald sets about a routine repair of fixing a light bulb but Eva’s condition is anything but routine. We become more and more sympathetic with Eva as she feels without Geoff she cannot live or his dismissal has led her to suicide but with Geoff we despise as he plays with Eva trying to twist things on to her by saying such things as â€Å"if your blaming yourself don’t† which seems he thinks she should be and he also claims â€Å"other men don’t have this trouble† when talking about his cheating as if it were some illness and deserves sympathy for it. As Eva continues to ignore him his impatience grows until he speaks of previous violence such as â€Å"I’m going to lose my temper. And we know what happens then don’t we. I’ll take a swing for you† his patronising and angry tone is almost creepy and furthers are hate for him. Throughout it all, Eva’s many suicide attempts, Ronalds electrocution when changing the light bulb and Sidney drying himself from being soaked in dirty water while fixing the pipes. Is slightly over the top but that adds more comedy but the symapathy for Eva is still there as she is still suffering and suspension is created of what will become of the Brewster-wrights marriage as tension is created when Marion says â€Å"You’d never think it but he was a really vital young man, Eva you’d never think it to look at him† maybe claiming she is no longer attracted to him. How to cite How successfully does Alan Ayckbourn slice into the soul of surburbia in Absurd Person Singular?, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Policy Framework Data Breaches

Question: Discuss about the Policy Framework for Data Breaches. Answer: Introduction: The security breach, also known as the security violation refers to an incident in the information technology area. It takes place when an application or a person intrudes into the logical IT periphery which is private, unauthorized and confidential (Walters, 2014). A research has been carried out regarding the incident of security firms got knocked around in Russia. It took place from September to December on 2015. The following report focuses about the problem, the way it occurred and the reasons behind it on the basis if the research. The security breach results in the unauthorized ingress of networks, devices, services, applications and data by bypassing through the underpinning security mechanisms. On the month of October, the Russian security from the Kaspersky lab claimed that their network is breached. They have already created popular line software on antivirus and they meant that the hackers were none other than the agents working for the state. Eugene, the CEO acclaimed that the breach occurred using zero-day and series of advanced attacks. This was done to gather data about the latest services and technology of the company (Stanwick Stanwick, 2014). This has been one of the early platforms of attack on security by any malicious trespasser. The intruder could have been any cracker, hacker or any nefarious application. The security procedures and policies were violated. It could be anything varying from the low to high critical risks. Many professionals in the cyber security department coined the year 2014 as the year of breach. Then, the year of 2015 was seen as the year of the breach 2.0 as the attackers were following bigger prey. This included the significant government agencies like the attack on the Kasperkey Lab (Johnson, 2015). However, there have been two silver linings on the case. Firstly, the Lab declared that the invasion were determined before any impactful harm was done. The customers were also secured while the incursion has been going on (Leon, 2015). Secondly, the job became easier as the attack was done over a company that has been specialized in founding new attacking techniques. This factor was the most important. Hence attacking on this company was not a good approach. The attackers has lost their expensive and advanced technological framework developed with lots of penance through many years. Moreover, several technologies have been already accessible under the licensing agreements on which the attackers have tried to keep surveillance (McDougal, 2015). Further, the latest vectors of attack utilized were included already in the monitoring software of the firm. How the problem occurred: It has been not clear who undertook the breach. A couple of zero-day exploits of Flash were sitting in the open waiting for the active days when the data should be popped out. The hackers appeared to be the same team that was created by Duqu. It was a spyware that was discovered on 2011. As exposed by Kasperkey, the handiwork of the team popped up with two sophisticated instruments. They were the Flame surveillance platform massive in nature infecting thousands of people for five years (Haukkala, 2015). Another one was the Gauss attack mysteries in nature contain a payload locked with security and was not deciphered yet. Malware has been spread by using the Microsoft Software Installer files. These files have been generally used by the employees of the information technology in order to install programming into remote computers. The cost of the zero-day exploits was assumed to be very high. Reason behind the attack: The attackers turned entrenched within their network for some years. Their purpose had been to siphon the intelligence regarding the attacks on nation states that the company was investing. It was like a situation here the observers have been observing the observers who have been observing them. They also desired to study the working mechanisms of Kasperskys detection software (Jacobson, 2015). In this manner they wished to be able to devise methods for not getting caught. Possible solutions for the attack: Kaspersky was successful in determining them while going a test of a latest product. That has been developed to unveil the exact types of attack the attackers have launched. The only approach that has been ethical from such discoveries of exploitation has been to disclose them. The disclosure was to be done to the software authors. In the present case the software author was the Adobe Systems Inc (Bradshaw, 2015). Breaches have been still hogging much portions of the spotlight. In spite of this, instead being controlled by the events hitting huge retail customers, its effect has been different. It put its impact on the tech giants, public sectors. It further affected the individuals and firms who have trusted the online security of Kaspersky. This made the year of 2015 the extremely roughest year. The spying over the cyber-security firms has been a very risky tendency and practice. The only way to secure the nations has been to fight the attacks openly by the security firms and agencies of law enforcement. All it started in June 2014 as one of employees computer of JPMorgan was hacked. It was been infected with a malware that stole some login credentials. The staff was connected remotely with the corporate network by VPN or virtual private network. The hacker snatched the access to their internal network (Silver-Greenberg, Goldstein Perlroth, 2014). The following report explores the background of the problem. It determines who were affected and how it took place. It has further analyzed the way in which the hacking was carried out. Lastly, the solutions for prevention are assessed. The background of the problem: The hackers obtained details of programs and applications that have been running on the computers of the JP Morgan. They were kind of roadmaps for them. They crosschecked the lists with the known vulnerabilities within every web application and program. They were searching for the point of entry back to the system of the bank. This case of anonymity has been claimed by various people who have studied the outcomes of the forensic investigation on the bank (Lohrke, Frownfelter-Lohrke Ketchen, 2016). The hackers have been operating through overseas. They achieved the entry to the details like names, phone numbers, emails and addresses of the account holders at JPMorgan. JP Morgan declared that there has been no clear proof that this information of accounts with passwords or any social security numbers were stolen. They further claimed that there was no evidence of fraud regarding the customer data (Lee, Maker At, 2015). A portion of the information stolen also involved internal information. These data has been identifying customers according to the credit card, mortgage and private banking. The bank would face further risks of hacking from the list of stolen applications and lists. These have been running on the computers of JP Morgan to analyze the vulnerabilities. The attackers have succeeded in hiding some of the tracks. This was because as they have deleted a large number of log files. Sources have been claiming that this was possible they also broke in the past (Ferrell, 2016). JP Morgan has been spending about two fifty million dollars on their security per year. It consisted of a thousand of staffs engaged in cyber security. This was six hundred more than that of Google. After the case, numerous security staffs of JP Morgan left to work at other banks. This indicated that the individuals who have experience and knowledge about the infrastructure network have been resigning (Corker, Silver-Gre enberg Sanger, 2014). This had made JP Morgan vulnerable to more information breaches. The cyber-attack comprised the accounts details of seventy six million families with some million small scale businesses. It has been a tally that minimized the past estimates by JP Morgan and put the access among the highest ever. The confidence of the consumers regarding corporate Americas digital operations got highly shaken. Retailers like the Home Depot and Target sustained significant data breaches. Forty million cardholders and seventy million of others have been compromised at the Target (Telang, 2015). Unlike them JP Morgan which has been the largest bank of the country has financial data within its computers going beyond details of credit cards of the customers. It potentially included much more sensitive information. Carrying out of the attack: The attackers managed to go through the several levels of security. This was done by unleashing programs that were malicious. These were developed to break through the J.P. Morgans network. Then the attackers retrieved the highest layer of privileges successfully. They took control on about ninety and more servers by numerous zero-day vulnerabilities. In order to hide from detection, the information was stolen for several months slowly. There could be a case were the login credential stolen would become useless. This would happen if that was not for the server overlooked which failed to retrieve the two factor authentication upgrade (Peters, 2014). The attacks could be minimized by deploying the HIPS or Host-based Intrusion Prevention System. It has the fighting capability to catch and stop the malwares. This is because its job has been to stop and identify both unknown and known attacks. It is the software that utilizes the system calls to perform behavior monitoring. It observes the correlation among the activities. It blocks the methods as it reaches to a top confidence level (Weise, 2014). Combining the functions of personal antivirus, IDS, behavioral analysis and firewall it prevents the malwares from doing any harm. The human beings have been the weakest link always regarding security issues. This is because every people are not conscious about security. Thus they must be trained and educated properly dealing with the aspects of human. The social engineering is the field to manipulate and trick someone by providing data via exploitation of the human vulnerabilities. Some credits to the success of the attackers at JP Morgan could attribute to the malware infection at the computer of one of the employees. The usage of application whitelisting denies the malwares from installing of itself. It is the software allowing the application to work if they were not present in the application list. Attacks could also be prevented by segregating and protecting the critical assets. It makes the network a compressed zone where everything could be visible. It is the strategy to protect the enclaves in depth. By using the NAC or the Network Access Control prevention of system could be done from access into trusted network. It is done before it has been checked and scanned (Weise, 2014). Conclusion: The occurrence of data breaches in large organizations like JP Morgan has been always undesirable. In addition to the exploring of human aspects enabling attackers to intrude the network various methods of implementation are discussed in the report. The basic protection, HIPS, application whitelisting and employee educations working collectively would catch and stop the malwares from intrusion in any network including the JP Morgan. The employees could also be made aware of social engineering. This may decrease the scopes of the credentials to be stolen. References: Bradshaw, S. (2015). Combating Cyber Threats: CSIRTs and Fostering International Cooperation on Cybersecurity. Corkery, M., Silver-Greenberg, J., Sanger, D. E. (2014). Obama Had Security Fears on JPMorgan Data Breach.The New York Times. Ferrell, O. C. (2016). Broadening marketings contribution to data privacy.Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 1-4. Haukkala, H. (2015). From cooperative to contested Europe? The conflict in Ukraine as a culmination of a long-term crisis in EURussia relations.Journal of Contemporary European Studies,23(1), 25-40. Jacobson, M. (2015). Vulnerable Progress: The Internet of Things, the Department of Defense and the Dangers of Networked Warfare. Johnson, L., Adams Becker, S., Estrada, V., Freeman, A. (2015).The NMC Horizon Report: 2015 Museum Edition. New Media Consortium. 6101 West Courtyard Drive Building One Suite 100, Austin, TX 78730. Lee, J., Maker, J. M. S. L. D., At, D. (2015). JP MORGAN.Wall Street Journal. Leon, A. D. (2015).Impacts of Malicious Cyber Activities(Doctoral dissertation, Johns Hopkins University). Lohrke, F. T., Frownfelter-Lohrke, C., Ketchen, D. J. (2016). The role of information technology systems in the performance of mergers and acquisitions.Business Horizons,59(1), 7-12. McDougal, T. (2015). Establishing Russia's Responsibility for Cyber-Crime Based on Its Hacker Culture.Int'l L. Mgmt. Rev.,11, 55. Peters, R. M. (2014). So You've Been Notified, Now What: The Problem with Current Data-Breach Notification Laws.Ariz. L. Rev.,56, 1171. Silver-Greenberg, J., Goldstein, M., Perlroth, N. (2014). JPMorgan Chase Hack Affects 76 Million Households.New York Times,2. Stanwick, P. A., Stanwick, S. D. (2014). A Security Breach at Target: A Different Type of Bulls Eye.International Journal of Business and Social Science,5(12). Telang, R. (2015). Policy Framework for Data Breaches.IEEE Security Privacy,13(1), 77-79. Walters, R. (2014). Cyber attacks on US companies in 2014.Heritage Foundation Issue Brief,4289. Weise, E. (2014). JP Morgan reveals data breach affected 76 million households.USA TODAY.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

War of 1812 Pointless Essay Example For Students

War of 1812 Pointless? Essay The War of 1812 proved to be the most serious challenge to face the United States since the countrys birth. This Second war of Independence perhaps changed American history as we know it though. This essay will discuss the causes for this war assessing whether there actually were valid reasons for the United States and Britain going to war or whether the whole 1812 war was just born out of pointless aggression The war of 1812 was a very unnecessary war. It broke out just as one of its chief causes (The Orders in Council) was removed and its greatest battle (New Orleans) was fought just after peace was signed. The war was unnecessary from a British point of view but for the Americans it was inescapable. The Royal Navy had kidnapped 3,800 American sailors and pressed them into service. The Orders In Council had deprived the United States of a profitable trade with France and can be seen as having ruthlessly subordinated American economic interests to the political interests of the British Empire. We will write a custom essay on War of 1812 Pointless? specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now American farmers also blamed the orders, perhaps unfairly, for a fall in agricultural prices that produced a depression in the West in the years immediately before the war. On the frontier it was universally believed that Indian restlessness war stirred up by British agents although really American oppression has to be seen as a big cause of this too. Americas war with Britain seemed inevitable although the Americans did everything they decently could to avoid it, although there seemed to be endless provocation by Britain, for example in 1807 when a British frigate, the leopard opened fire on an American frigate the Chesapeake. The choice before America, Jefferson the former president and his successor Madison agreed was war or submission to fight or to undo one of the main achievements of the revolution and accept total defeat in international affairs to England. As John Quincy Adams put it It was not a matter of dollars and cents, no alternative was left but war or the abandonment of our right as an independent nation The offences committed against the United States were the major provocations for the war, reasons other then vindication can be regarded as rationalisation. There was an obvious anger for what British had done to America and many Americans merely wanted revenge but the war was fought for much more then that. The radical expansionism and the belief that Canada would inevitably be annexed to the United States also has to be a major cause for America going to war. Another primary cause of the war was the rise of Tecumseh the Indian chief who was believed to be backed by the British. This caused an urgency for the Americans to expel the British from Canada. The War Hawks, the congress at the time of Madisons presidency, were pushing for the invasion of Canada and an attack upon the Savages who had been tormenting homes on the frontier. Madison never really expected or desired the annexation of Canada and neither did his colleague Monroe (Secretary of State) A compromise with Britain would have been very difficult due to the increasing sectionalism in America. It might have been true as George Washington had said in his farewell address that East, West, North and South had more in common then points of difference but since the long Napoleonic wars which had been fought and there repercussions for America the differences seemed to mount rapidly. New England had virtually everything in common with British Maritime interests but the further South and West you travelled the more opinion leaders you found who wanted a war with Britain as the road to expansion. It was these Southern and Western states that formed part of Madisons constituency and had elected him in 1808 and when he was elected again in 1812, therefore Madison was very dependent on these states much more so than the Northern New England states. The opinions of these Southern and Western states reflected the ideas of Henry Clay, the leader of the War hawks, who himself was from Kentucky a Western state. The war hawks desire for land, Canadian or Indian, fear of a British backed Indian conspiracy, concern over the declining prices of agriculture products and the restrictions of markets abroad have all believed to have been basic cause of the war. .ue8abac12bc6849e9fac2ba9c81c57bb5 , .ue8abac12bc6849e9fac2ba9c81c57bb5 .postImageUrl , .ue8abac12bc6849e9fac2ba9c81c57bb5 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue8abac12bc6849e9fac2ba9c81c57bb5 , .ue8abac12bc6849e9fac2ba9c81c57bb5:hover , .ue8abac12bc6849e9fac2ba9c81c57bb5:visited , .ue8abac12bc6849e9fac2ba9c81c57bb5:active { border:0!important; } .ue8abac12bc6849e9fac2ba9c81c57bb5 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue8abac12bc6849e9fac2ba9c81c57bb5 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue8abac12bc6849e9fac2ba9c81c57bb5:active , .ue8abac12bc6849e9fac2ba9c81c57bb5:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue8abac12bc6849e9fac2ba9c81c57bb5 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue8abac12bc6849e9fac2ba9c81c57bb5 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue8abac12bc6849e9fac2ba9c81c57bb5 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue8abac12bc6849e9fac2ba9c81c57bb5 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue8abac12bc6849e9fac2ba9c81c57bb5:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue8abac12bc6849e9fac2ba9c81c57bb5 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue8abac12bc6849e9fac2ba9c81c57bb5 .ue8abac12bc6849e9fac2ba9c81c57bb5-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue8abac12bc6849e9fac2ba9c81c57bb5:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: -The Lotos-Eaters By Tennyson Essay When asked about his reasoning for the push for war, Henry Clay would answer What are we to gain by peace ? His rationalisations had to do with a mentality that they would lose their countrys character, commerce and nations best treasure if they didnt go to war. He believed that what they had to gain was reduced revenue to nearly ten million dollars. Clay could also not ignore the impressment of American sailors by British fleets, this was another driving force. Henry Clay assumed a leading role in the war against Britain. He then affected President Madisons decision about the war and more or less pushed madison from being indifferent to declaring war. Clay saw the British as an intrusive and unwanted force that was trampling on the feet and violating the rights of his countrymen. The Treaty Of Ghent which was signed in December 1814 ended a war which by now both sides were silently admitting should never have started. The treaty though proved to be a great act of statesmanship. After the signing Adams remarked to one of the English delegates I hope this will be the last treaty of peace between Great Britain and the United States And it was. The very fact that both sides withdrew to their prewar positions, that neither could describe the war as a success or a defeat, and that the terms could not be presented, then or later, as a triumph or a robbery all worked for permanency and helped to erase from the national memory of both countries a struggle which had been bitter enough at the time. The absence of any recrimination too meant that the treaty could serve as a basis on which to build a friendly, common sense relationship between two English speaking peoples. The statement that the war of 1812 was born purely out of a Pointless aggression is true to an extent. In the build up to the1812 war Britain seemed to provoke the United States through every means possible exploiting there own position. The United States did try to avoid a war with Britain but they saw how a war could fulfil there own ambitions and so used the war to pursue there own objectives which were increasing the size of the United States whilst reinforcing the economy through trade. The fact was though that neither side managed to achieve there pre-war ambitions and when the Treaty of Ghent was signed all actual issues of the war were dropped and both sides agreed to just stop fighting. The war of 1812 had such a great effect on the United States that it is sometimes referred to as The Second War Of Independence. This did not refer to Great Britain attempting to gain control of the United States, instead, it marked the end of the United States dependence on Europe. Great Britain fully accepted American independence. 1815 was marked as a turning point. Before, American foreign relations were conditioned by the shifting power structure and the almost continuous wars in Europe. After the year 1815, the United States could choose war or peace according to its interests.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How to Create a Warm and Friendly Classroom Environment

How to Create a Warm and Friendly Classroom Environment To create a friendly, non-threatening classroom environment, here are some  strategies gathered from seasoned educators who create a warm and welcoming environment for their students every day.   You can start on creating an environment that is conducive to learning and maximizing student social and academic growth in 10 easy steps: Greet your students each day with enthusiasm. Find something positive to say as much as possible or as much as time will allow for.Provide students with time to share happenings, events, or items with you.  Even if you set a certain time frame aside each day for 3-5 students to share, it will help to create a friendly, warm, and welcome environment. It shows them you care and it provides you with opportunities to learn about what is important about each of your students.Take the time on occasion to share something that is important to you. This could be the fact that your own child took their first steps or that you saw a wonderful play that you would like to share with your students. Your students will see you as a real and caring person. This type of sharing shouldnt be done every day but rather from time to time.Take time to talk about differences within the classroom. Diversity is everywhere and children can benefit from learning about diversity at a very early age. Talk about varying cultural backgrounds, body image, body types, talents, strengths, and weaknesses. Provide opportunities for your learners to share their strengths and weaknesses. The child who may not be able to run fast may be able to draw very well. These conversations always need to be held in a positive light. Understanding diversity is a lifelong skill children will always benefit from. It builds trust and acceptance in the classroom. Say no to all forms of bullying. There is no such thing as a welcoming, nurturing environment when there is tolerance for bullying. Stop it early and make sure all students know that they should report bullying. Remind them that telling on a bully is not tattling, it is reporting. Have a set of routines and rules that prevent bullying.Build activities into your day that support students working together and building rapport with one another. Small group work and team work with well-established routines and rules will help in developing a very cohesive environment.Focus on the strengths when calling upon a student. Never put down a child for not being able to do something, take some one-to-one time to support the child. When asking a child to demonstrate or respond to something, be sure that the child is in their comfort zone and always capitalize on the strengths. Showing sensitivity to each of your students is extremely important in protecting their confidence and self-esteem.Promot e two-way respect. I cant say enough about two-way respect. Adhere to the golden rule, always show respect and you will get it back in return. Take time to educate the class about specific disorders and disabilities. Role play helps to develop empathy and support among classmates and peers.Make a conscientious effort to promote confidence and self-esteem among every student in the classroom.  Give praise and positive reinforcement that is real and deserved often. The more that students feel good about themselves, the better they will be toward themselves and others.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Barleria Prionitis Linn

Barleria Prionitis Linn Barleria prionitis Linn Vernacular names English- common yellow nailo dye plant Ayurveda Kuruntaka, kurunta, sahachara, vajradanti Unani Piyaabaansaa Tamil or siddha: chemmulli Biological source : It consist of dried whole plant of Barleria prionitis Linn (Acanthaceae) Geographical source: It found throughout the hotter parts of India. It commonly grown as ornamental plants in gardens Cultivation The shrubs prefer a sunny situation on wide variety of well-drained moist soil. They tolerate temperatures only above at least 1 °C. It best grows with average annual rainfall between 750-900 mm. The seeds are very light in weight containing 33,000 seeds/kg. Seedlings grow slowly at first i.e. germinated between 13 and 77 days following sowing. However, an established plant grows fast. These shrubs flower from September to December and fruit from January to April.and can be harvested for four years. Natural regeneration generally occurs within 1 or 2 m of the parent plant. Description It is evergreen, is a tender, erect, branching, evergreen shrub with spiny stem nodes, elliptic to oblong, mid-green leaves, and spikes of tubular, yellow to yellow-orange flowers in summer.is a tender, erect, branching, evergreen shrub with spiny stem nodes, elliptic to oblong, mid-green leaves, and spikes of tubular, yellow to yellow-orange flowers in summer.is a tender, erect, branching, evergreen shrub bushy shrub grows up to 1-2 m with spiny stem nodes, elliptic to oblong, mid-green leaves, 6 to 12 centimeters long, narrowed, and pointed at both ends. Flowers are yellow and axillary, with the upper ones in spikes. Bracts and calyx are green, with the outer bract usually foliaceous. Corolla is about 4 centimeters long, flowers in summer. The stems are terete, glabrous, much branched with cylindrical and tapering branchlet Leaves are smooth, opposite, ovate-elliptic to obovate, acuminate, tapering to base, entire, margin finely ciliate, bristle-tipped and about 6-15 cm long an d 4-6 cm wide. The petioles are about 0.5-3 cm long, widely spreading spines present in axils. The flowers are sessile, yellow in colour and often solitary in lower axils and spictate in the upper axils. Bracts are acute, linear-lanceolate, foliaceous, about 1-1.5 cm long and 0.2-0.8 cm wide with bristle tipped. The corolla is bright, golden yellow in colour with pubescent outside and glabrous inside and about 1.5 cm long. The filaments are hairy and about 2-2.5 cm long, yellowish in colour with 3mm long yellow anthers. The ovary is ovoid and sigma is long, linear, sticky and pinkish in colour. The fruit is ovoid capsule containing 2 seeds. It is about 1.5-2 cm long and 0.6-0.8 cm wide. The seeds are oval-oblong, covered with silky copper-brown appressed hairs and measuring about 7.4-8.5Ãâ€"6-6.8 mm. Roots are central tap type, with lateral roots branching in all directions. Ayurvedic Properties Rasa – Madhura, Tikta Guna – Snigdha Virya – Usna Vipaka â€⠀œ Katu Karma – Kaphahara, Keya, Kà £sa, Ranjana, Visahara. Chemical constituents B. prionitis shows presence of glycosides, saponins, flavonoids, steroids and tannins Glycosides like prioniside A, prioniside B, prioniside, barlerinoside, verbascoside, shanzhiside methyl ester Saponins- lupulinoside, luteolin-7-O-ÃŽ ²-D-glucoside Flavonoids – apigenin 7-O-glucoside, 6-hydroxyflavones Phenolic acid – melilotic acid, syringic acid, vanillic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid It also sowed the presence of triterpenoids and steroids such as lupeol and B-sitosterol. Bark consist of 16% tannins and ellagic acid

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Potential Causes for the Growth of Organic Food Market in UK Dissertation

Potential Causes for the Growth of Organic Food Market in UK - Dissertation Example Potential Causes for the Growth of Organic Food Market in UK 2.1. Relevance of Choosing the Research Topic As elaborated above, familiarity is a significant aspect for the enlargement of the organic food market. Orlikowski, (2010) reported that according to the researchers’ individuals are uninformed about the practises and process employed for organic produces and lots of them are puzzled about the term ‘organic’. In view of the existing market conditions it very vital to identify what customer means by the term ‘organic’. The UK consumer’s awareness about organic food and the reasons that persuade them to demand organic food can be explored by this research. A foundation to appreciate what customers believe regarding organic food is presented by this research. To promote their products, marketers require exploring the motive for demands and apply it as an instrument to even target definite segments. 2.2. Importance of this Research Consumer’s awareness of the product and its production has an extremely significant role in their purchase decision making. The decision regarding purchasing a product can be influenced by familiarity. Even customer is encouraged to procure the particular product because of superior knowledge. It directs and transforms them into habitual purchasers and develops an optimistic attitude about the manufactured goods in them. To promote the product and to seek(target) different segments, causes for product’s demand may possibly be employed as a tool.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

World Leaders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

World Leaders - Essay Example is method in the early 1910 revolutionized American industry by promoting mass consumption and allows it to produce more than 15 million copies of the  Model T  automobile. Through his industrial leadership capability, Ford became one of the richest and most famous figures of his time. The paper discusses the profile of Henry Ford as one of the model leader of nineteenth century and explores his transformational leadership style. The paper also discusses leadership characteristics demonstrated by Henry Ford and aspects of servant leadership. Transformational leadership is the key aspect of Henry Ford’s leadership. Transformational leadership of Henry Ford is depicted by the particular success of  Fordism  which was  based on the philosophy of rationalization and standardization. Rationalization is the decomposition of the activity of the worker into elementary tasks which allows an industrial process to work on machine tools specialist. This leads to a simplification and standardization of gestures and a consequent increase in productivity (Alizon, Shooter and Simpson, 2009). Ford was a pioneer in this industrial philosophy and transformed the entire face of automotive industry of the time.  Standardization in the Ford factories is was pushed to the extreme that only the Model T was produced, and even that only in black because of its fast drying time.  This favored not only an increase in production but also the geographic expansion of the Model T as standard parts could easily be sent for repair. According to Maxwell (2009), Ford possessed three essential qualities possessed by a transformational leader. Ford developed a unique vision of the future of the organization that encouraged subordinates to work harder to achieve that vision (Maxwell, 2009). Ford also possessed excellent communication skills and was ready to rally employees to his cause which distinguished him as a prominent transformational leader. Ford also possessed confidence in his vision which

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Texas Retirement System (TRS) Essay Example for Free

Texas Retirement System (TRS) Essay You have been recruited to consult for the Texas Retirement System (TRS). TRS is looking at alternative investment opportunities. They see John Bogle’s (founder of Vanguard) mantra of simply investing in index funds as particularly compelling. Yet, Miller’s historical record at Value Trust has been outstanding, and several trustees are in favor of investing with him. Your task to provide a recommendation to the trustees as to whether or not they should invest with Miller and Value Trust. Again, the case questions are here to simply guide your analysis. You are preparing a professional report for the TRS trustees, and it should be structured accordingly. Also, don’t spend a lot of time repeating the facts of the case itself, but certainly use the exhibits to support your assessments. 1. How well has Value Trust performed in recent years? In making that assessment, what benchmark(s) are you using? How do you measure investment performance? What does good performance mean to you? 2. What might explain the fund’s performance? To what extent do you believe an investment strategy, such as Miller’s, explains performance? 3. How easy will it be to sustain Miller’s historical performance record into the future? What factors support your conclusion? 4. Consider the mutual fund industry. What roles do portfolio managers play? What are the differences between fundamental and technical securities analysis? How well do mutual funds generally perform relative to the overall market? 5. What is capital-market efficiency? What are its implications for investment performance in general? What are the implications for fund managers, if the market exhibits characteristics of strong, semi-strong, or weak efficiency? 6. As of 2005, would you recommend investing in Miller’s Value Trust? What beliefs about the equity markets does your answer reflect?

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Morrisons Beloved: A Review :: essays research papers

Morrison's Beloved: A Review Everything in a novel is there only because the author chooses it to be there: characters, plot devices, structure and pacing, tone, etc. all are ways in which the author says what he/she has to say. Morrison implements different characters and ideas to enhance the slavery of the time and its lasting affects. While the story is of heartbreak there are various representations of concepts. Which can be seen through realism and the characters of Mr. Bodwin and Baby Suggs. Mr. Bodwin is a white abolitionist and has high hopes for blacks in the future. He spends the happiest years of his life struggling for emancipation of blacks. Mr. Bodwin represents a time in history where slavery starts to come into question. People (white) started to realize this travesty and begin to speak up and act towards the abolition of slavery. The abolitionists begin a process which will eventually end in the 60's where blacks will attain complete freedom. They begin a legacy of freedom fighters that will not stop till blacks receive the right they so deserved. Future leaders of known fame will be Malcolm X and Martin Luther King which will carry on this battle begun by the abolitionists. Baby Suggs, is Halle's mother and Sethe's mother - in - law, and is an important character in the story in that she brings about many aspects of self- pride and versatility. Suggs lived through the "slavery" and came out of the ordeal with strength of her character alone. Slavery at the time broke down the slaves making them have low self- esteem and low worth. But Suggs brings about the part of resiliency that was needed to beat the "system." Her faith in God and self makes her the prominent legacy. As she rose above slavery so have other individual rose above persecution and hardship across the years. For instance, World Wars, Holocaust, and the depression to name a few. Morrison throughout Beloved offers realism of the times and consequences that occurred with the slaves. Morrison paints a picture post -Civil War life that leaves many black people lost in America. Blacks after the civil War emerged all across the South with no place to go. The South was in ruins in every sense and the Black freed slaves were confused. They had been separated from their families, lost any property they may have had, they wandered in search of a better life. Just because Slavery was abolished didn't mean all was

Monday, November 11, 2019

A Taste of Honey Essay

‘A Taste of Honey’ is a kitchen sink drama, set in the late 1950s. It follows the volatile relationship of a mother and daughter, and the problems that they have to overcome. ‘A Taste of Honey’ presents the harsh reality of what life was like for the working classes. The play explores a variety of controversial issues, which especially in the 1950s, only happened behind closed doors, and would have raised serious questions in society. In ‘A Taste of Honey’ Helen is portrayed as a bad mother, she cares more about drink and men than her own child and there are several preferences to Helen’s alcoholism throughout the play. In a strict and traditional society, it would have been almost unforgivable for a teenage girl to have a child and raise it on her own as Jo ends up doing and Helen did before her. Racism also plays a factor in the play as the father of Jo’s unborn child was black and people felt very strongly about this sort of thing at this time, including Jo’s mother. ‘A Taste of Honey’ shows an insight to the problems and strains that can be brought on by the above issues and those that the working class suffered. In the opening scene of ‘A Taste of Honey’ you are introduced to Jo and Helen’s new flat. It is a run down, dingy, old place and is all that Helen can afford. The optimism that Helen carries is shown right away as when Helen first walks in she is optimistic about the situation by saying, ‘Well! This is the place’. Which shows she has quite an easy-going approach to life as long as she has the necessities in life. Jo then replies with, ‘I don’t like it’, which straight away shows the conflict between the pair and how different their personalities are from one another. You can clearly see form the dialogue between the pair that Helen has never taken care of Jo properly, Jo: ‘I don’t owe you a thing’, and Helen: ‘Do you want me to carry you about?’ which is basically saying look after yourself. At this point Helen is already drinking and Jo says, ‘You make me sick’, in reference to her drinking, which shows that, she disapproves and that it sickens her. It also makes you ask the question, why does Helen drink? Jo also addresses her mum as Helen, this shows us that there is nothing maternal between the two and Jo obviously doesn’t see her as a motherly figure. They also both talk to the audience in third person about one another saying things such as, Helen: ‘Wouldn’t she get on your nerves’ and Jo: ‘She’d lose her head if it was loose’, you cannot see an inch of respect between them and although some people don’t always have a very good mother and daughter relationship there isn’t a trace of any bonding or caring between them. However you do see Helen show a genuine interest in Jo when she sees how good her art work is, although as she stumbles upon it by mistake it shows the distance they have from one another as Jo has never shown her the work before and Jo is quite taken aback by the interest from her mother and says, ‘Why are you so suddenly interested in me anyway?’ which reflects the lack of support that Jo has received. Though language, humor and sarcasm used between them you can see the lack of respect and their clear differences such as Helen being a lot more optimistic and wild to Jo’s more realistic and practical approach to life. You can see Helen’s wild side through her drinking problem, references to men, ‘ Handsome, long-legged creature – just the way I like ’em’, her outbursts of singing and the basic fact that she was obviously out doing her own thing when she should have been taking care of her daughter and not kicking her out of bed w hen she had male company! Also when Helen finds out that her daughter stole the bulbs she is happy and approves, this shows Helens true colours and how she goes about life; she doesn’t mind taking things that aren’t hers as long as she gets what she wants. Helen’s life runs along the same lines as you only live once, as she lets nothing set her back and she also makes regular comments about death and doesn’t look upon it as a big thing really. This contrasts to Jo’s comment in Act 2, scene 2 where she says, ‘We don’t ask for life, we have it thrust upon us’. I think that Jo’s out look on life is that it is hard and unfair; she has always had to fight for her self as Helen has never been there for her, and so she doesn’t expect the good things to happen in her life. Jo and Helen’s relationship about men in Act 1, scene 1 is also very strange, as Helen has clearly had many men in her life as when Peter is introduced Jo says in a very matter of fact way, ‘What’s this one called?’ Jo doesn’t seem to think of men as a necessary object in life and seems to think of men in a more romantic way than Helen and mentions love as well. However in Act 2, scene 2 she has Geoff and although she isn’t linked to him in a romantic way at all she still likes the stability of a man looking after her in her life and would rather have a man than a woman present at the birth of her child. In Act 2, scene 2 where the birth of Jo’s child is looming, Helen isn’t there but comes back before she has it and she shows a different approach towards Jo. Although she shows her true side by being nasty to Geof for no reason when she owes it to him to be nice as he has been taking care of her daughter, she does show genuine concern for Jo, ‘How are you, love?’ and makes enquires about the birth and her pregnancy. She has also made an effort to buy things for the baby and seems to be a lot more motherly towards Jo now. This time round it is Helen making the effort to make the place look nice, and Jo doesn’t seem to care about her living arrangements which is a mirror to the attitude of Helen in Act 1, scene 1. Helen’s effort that she puts into her relationship with Jo is much more motherly and dong things such as, stroking her hair, caring for her, also by saying things such as, ‘we’ll get morbid,’ this is showing a different side to Helen as in Act 1, scene 1, she is very open about death and talks about it on a regular basis. This is also ironic as she is usually the one that is being morbid, not Jo. Also by talking about the children outside shows a total change in character and you see the nice side of Helen. Whereas Jo seems to have turned more like her mum, by not really caring and expecting others to do things for her, such as Geof; although Jo is never nasty towards him. Although Jo and Helen don’t get on with one another in Act 1, scene 1 and Act 2, scene 2 you can see the differences between them. In Act1, scene 1, Helen is very distant from Jo, which Delaney shows through the dialogue and language used between them. She also shows this through the use of talking in the third person, ‘wouldn’t she get on your nerves?’ However in Act 2, scene 2 she seems to be trying to come closer to her daughter, by taking an interest in her and just genuinely being more caring. You also see a change in character with Jo, who in Act 1, scene 1 Delaney portrays her as the parent, with her doing things such as cleaning, but by Act 2, scene 2 when she is about to become a mother herself she is more childlike, this can be shown through the stage directions of Jo throwing the pretend doll that Geof gets her because it’s the wrong colour. She acts like a spoilt child who comes across as ungrateful and shows no maturity in her at all. I think that in Act 2, scene 2 their relationship has progressed form Act 1, scene 1 as Helen is more of a mother figure towards Jo. However I don’t think that they will have a good relationship, as Helen isn’t very supporting when she finds out about the colour of the baby. When she is asked what she’ll do she replies, ‘drown it,’ and she goes back to her old ways of drinking. This also suggests that she drinks to drown her sorrows. Also she leaves Jo on her own at a time that she needs her and there is some uncertainty about whether or not she is coming back. This sums up their relationship as one that is rocky and that there is no stability at all. ‘A Taste of Honey’ Essay Act two, scene one is an important part of the play because Jo is near the end of her pregnancy and Helen comes back to visit her but only because Geoff had asked her too. Previously in the play Helen had married Peter and had gone to live with him, Jo got engaged to a black boy in the Navy, she became pregnant but he didn’t come back after going away with the Navy. Jo didn’t have a very good relationship with her mother and they had moved about a lot as Helen ran every time she couldn’t pay the rent. Jo met Geoff who is a homosexual. He hasn’t had sexual relations with a man but he knows he is gay because he has had liaisons with other men. Jo has left school and was going to work in a pub part-time. The play is ‘A Taste of Honey’ and I am doing part of Act two scene one where Jo, Helen and Geoff are the main characters. This play is mainly set in Jo and Helen’s flat where the time is around the 1950’s. Helen and Jo weren’t very well off so the flat is in a poor condition. It is dirty and there is a lot of dust. The house looks like it is uncared for because clothes are on the floor and the bed isn’t made. It is a comfortless flat. If I was in the audience I would see the settee in the middle of the flat with Geoff’s bedding on it, to the left of the stage would be Jo’s unmade bed it might have some clothes lying untidily on top of it. To the right I would see the kitchen, the sink full of dirty plates and cups, and there would be lots of things scattered about the kitchen sides. In this section of the play the characters use actions in different ways to portray their emotions and feelings. For example: at the beginning of this section Geoff says ‘Let me kiss you’ this lets us know that Geoff likes Jo as more then a friend unfortunately she does not feel the same way. This is shown when she struggles as Geoff forces himself on her. Another show of Geoff’s feelings towards Jo are when he asks her to marry him, Jo just dismisses the idea and tells Geoff ‘†¦I’m not marrying anybody’. When Helen arrives she tries to be motherly towards Jo but Jo doesn’t really want to know as Helen hasn’t really been there for her whilst she has been growing up. I don’t think she understands why Helen suddenly wants to be a proper mother so Jo starts an argument by saying ‘what blew you in’ as soon as Helen comes in to the room. But Helen still tries to by friendly by asking about Geoff, she also tries to change the subject at that point when Jo asks her how she came to know about her pregnancy she replies ‘Come on, aren’t you going to introduce me to your boy friend? Who is he?’. I think at that point Helen hadn’t come to argue with Jo and had come to see if she was alright. When Jo and Helen are angry they both speak their mind and tend to shout when arguing. Jo talks in a steady voice and when speaking to Geoff she talks in a soft voice but her voice is stern when she is speaking to Helen as I feel she is resentful towards her. Helen talks to Jo as if she regrets having her and wishes she’d aborted her like all the others, in this scene though Helen starts off friendly but finishes by chasing Jo around the room trying to hit her. Geoff is the calm one; he doesn’t stand up for himself much but tries to protect Jo. When Geoff is told to do something he does it without complaining. This play is important to theatre history, as it was the first play ever seen about real life and the problems that came with it like poverty, racism, teenage pregnancies and homophobia. This play had them all in. At the time this play was written Britain was just recovering from shortages and rationing, the rationing ended in 1952. Housing was scarce so many people had to live in flats even if they could afford better and bomb sites were still derelict. Shelagh Delaney was the author of this play and she was 19 years old when she wrote it. It was written in 1956 and censorship from the stage was removed in 1963. ‘A Taste of Honey’ is what you would call a ‘kitchen-sink’ drama because it is based on real life, problems, poverty and the working class. A Taste of Honey Essay This essay is about a young woman called Jo. Jo has a mother known as Helen and her boyfriend peter; Jo also has a boyfriend called Boy and a close friend called Geoff who is gay. Jo is pregnant with her boyfriend Boy, Boy is a black sailor, and it was common in those days for sailors to have girlfriends for a short while and then leave them as they go on to other places, and as Jo says â€Å"He’s gone away. He maybe back in six months, but then again, he may†¦Ã¢â‚¬  here she gave the impression that he may not be back. In this case he left her pregnant as well which just adds to Jo’s problems. At the beginning of the play all Jo could think about is the condition of the flat and Jo’s first words were â€Å"And I don’t like it† as Helen said, â€Å"Well this is the place.† At the beginning their opinions of the flat are very different as Helen tries to see the better side as Jo just keeps on criticising the flat, which in way brings th em closer together rather than further apart, they just need to respect each other more. Jo is really serious about her thoughts of the flat whereas Helen is trying to look at the good side although she knows its horrible and even gives into Jo later and says, â€Å"It is a bit of a mess isn’t it.† The author uses Helens cold to revel Helens character by the words that she uses like â€Å"Its running like a tap† she says about her nose. Both characters rely on men to get affection as they don’t really get it from each other. Helen does care about Jo’s future as she shows when she discovers the drawings that Jo had drawn; she says, â€Å"I didn’t realize I had such a talented daughter.† As Peter enters Helens reaction is an unwelcoming one, and she even says, â€Å"Look what the winds blown in. † Helen wants Jo to go away now that Peter had entered and she said to Jo â€Å"Turn yourself into a bloody termite and crawl into the wall or something.† The first impressions of peter are that he’s very arrogant and he treats Jo like a slave as he is telling her what to do as soon as he walked through the door. Jo’s behaviour tells us that she doesn’t like Peter. Helen thinks that Jo is jealous of her because she has a man as Helen says, â€Å"she’s jealous†¦Ã¢â‚¬  They then admit that they never given each other affection as Jo says, â€Å"You’ve certainly never been affectionate with me.† Act two, scene one. Jo suspects that Geoff wants to move in as he said, â€Å"Isn’t this place a bit big for one Jo?† but I think Jo wants Geoff to move in as she invites him to stay the night. Jo later denies the fact she wants marriage as Geoff asked, â€Å"You want taking in hand† an she replied with, â€Å"no, thanks† even though she’s been asked. When Jo told Geoff about the baby he kept asking questions like, â€Å"how are you going to manage then† he says this to suggest that he wants to help. Jo has changed since the start of the play as she is beginning to let some of her feelings out to Geoff. When Helen came back she called the flat â€Å"the same old miserable hole† despite at the beginning of the play she said it was good. A Taste of Honey Essay Human development is a continuous process, but there may be critical periods in our development during which adaptational success or failure heavily influences the course of later development in the life cycle. Adolescence clearly is one of these critical developmental transitions. The number of extent of changes that occur simultaneously during adolescence present major challenges to the development of mature and effective coping strategies. In Shelagh Delaney’s â€Å"A Taste of Honey,† we can observe this adolescent development or the stages of adolescence in the life of the protagonist, Jo. In the beginning, the protagonist is already able to demonstrate some characteristics of early adolescents. She starts to show an attitude where an individual is easily frustrated and anxious. Jo tells her mother, â€Å"Why should I run around after you?† Her mother responded â€Å"Children owe their parents these little attentions† but she instantly defended herself and said â€Å"I don’t owe you a thing.† Somehow, Jo has a rigid concept of what is wrong or right, reflecting traces of being in the early adolescence stage.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The protagonist in the story is seventeen years old. At this age, she would express characteristics or behaviors of those in the middle adolescence stage. Usually, at the middle adolescence stage, most of the changes due to puberty already took place. Considering this, Jo would already be very concerned with her living environment, especially with regards to how she looks or how she is presented in the society. Jo states in the beginning â€Å"Can’t be soon enough for me, I’m cold and my shoes let water.† Then she adds â€Å"What a place and we’re supposed to be living off her immoral earnings.† This emphasizes a characteristic of middle adolescents who are able to use speech in order to convey their feelings.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When Jo was driven out of their apartment, she manages to confide in the arms or care of a black sailor and she engaged in a one night stand. Due to conflicts at home, the protagonist tried to find love from other people. In addition to this, it can be said that because of her pursuit for love, the risk for sexual intercourse increased. Later on, she was forced to find a job and move to a new place. She had enough with her mother and her interferences and decided to live an independent life; part of being at the middle adolescence stage.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In her new place, she was able to meet a homosexual named Geoffrey who was also like her; shy and lonely. Eventually, she finds out that she is pregnant. A good thing about it is that she gains a sense of maturity from the mistake which she committed irrationally. At an early age, she begins to think of her future and her child’s future as well. So she works hard in order to keep herself and her baby alive. At this time, she is already able to make independent decisions for herself and takes pride in everything that she does. Geoffrey on the other hand, despite being homosexual, gains further understanding or development of his sexual identity. He proposed a marriage to Jo, taking full responsibility of the child she is bearing; something which is really admirable for a homosexual.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The reappearance of Jo’s mother in their lives stirred the peace, but Jo was already strong enough to defend herself and her new found family. She has greater ability to tell the things which she feels and thinks. Her ability to embrace causes with conviction made her step up the ladder of adolescent development. When her mother volunteered to change their flat to the way she (Jo’s mother) likes, â€Å"I’m going to make it just the way you (referring to Jo, which is a form of irony) like it.† Jo steps up and tells her â€Å"Oh no!† She tells her that she likes their place the way it is right now. Somehow, Jo’s experiences and maturity definitely honed her up to stand to challenges and cope with life. Works Cited Delaney, S. (1956). A Taste of Honey. New York: Grove Press.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Broke Back Mountain

The 78th Annual Oscar Awards on the 5th of March, 2006, was more of a gay gathering than usual with the assembling of a large number of homosexuals, as their favourite movie â€Å"Broke Back Mountain† had been nominated for the Oscar Awards . This movie depicts the enduring love affair between two cowboys and Ang Lee, the director of the film made a masterpiece of a movie that not only handles the seemingly impossible feat of mainstreaming a gay romance, but is also devoid of soppy sentimentality. This movie is a screen adaptation of a Pulitzer Prize-winning short story by Annie Proulx.This story is set in the 1960s and spans a two decade relationship between Ennis Del Mar played by Heath Ledger and Jack Twist played by Jake Gyllenhaal. An initial friendship culminates in a homosexual relationship. At first they keep denying their attraction for each other by making statements like â€Å"This is a one shot thing we got going on here,†(Ennis,) â€Å"you know I’m not queer. † â€Å"Me neither,† (Jack). However, they continue to indulge in this and one of them, Heath, returns to his fiancee, although the other, Jack, is reluctant to abandon the relationship.Ennis marries Alma played by Michelle Williams, has two daughters and embarks on a regular life and Jack eventually meets and marries a Texan cowgirl Lureen played by Anne Hathaway and has a son. After four years Ennis and Jack meet again and their reunion is and is accidentally witnessed by Ennis’s wife, who remains silent about the whole episode. This begins their frequent respite from their heterosexual lives and they get together two or three times a year by retreating into the majestic mountains to live with each other.This continues for 16 years and their relationship remains unchanged, despite Ennis’s divorce from Alma. In the Western genre homoeroticism has always been predominant and the role of women within the genre has either been as harpies, whores o r smokescreens who maintain the heterosexuality of its protagonists. The director could have without effort transformed the wives of these cowboys into disagreeable wives who would have taken their homosexual husbands to task for their unnatural ways, but the wives are depicted as fully rounded characters that would have shown heaven on earth to a heterosexual husband.This story concerns itself not only with the homosexual relationship between the men and the difficulties that this relation places them in but more importantly it focuses on the enormous strain and disappointment that their unfortunate wives have to put up with. The story is set in Wyoming, which has a culture of cowboys, and where cowboys and herders were considered to be the last bastion of real men left in a world which was becoming increasingly depleted of honour and morals.The emotional impact on discovering that their husbands were unfaithful to them and also that they were indulging in sodomy produces a devasta ting effect on them. Eroticism has always been accorded a larger than life image by Hollywood and the erotic thriller was a popular genre in the 1980s, with movies like Body Heat, The Big Easy, Sea of Love, Fatal Attraction, and 9 ? Weeks turning out to be great successes. In 1993 Basic Instinct was released in this genre, but it proved to be the last of successful movies in this variety.Such movies definitely manage to denigrate heterosexuality and by implication women. For example, Big Love, the new HBO drama about polygamy, promotes unfair views regarding women such as that it takes three women to satisfy one man, while one third of a man is enough for each woman. These women are shown to be nagging wives who want more sex than their husband can provide and the end result is a heterosexual nightmare of domestic and sexual obligations rather than the expected male fantasy. The aim of these shows is to promote and praise gay marriage.What's really galling is that women, like the wo men in Broke back Mountain are deemed to be fit for nothing better than breeding and are not considered to be human beings, who deserve respect and love. The heterosexual men in this movie are shown in an equally poor light, ranging from Randy Quaid’s, the employer of these homosexual cowboys, embodiment of repressed intolerance to Graham Beckel as Jack Twist's emasculating father-in-law. This movie makes an astonishing statement that the only honourable and masculine men are the gay ones.Ennis's wife Alma remarries a loving husband who better provides for her needs, true to form he is portrayed as meek and almost effeminate. The lot of women is terrible and the encouragement of customs that have been identified as depravity by the Good Book and also in the Holy Texts of other religions, speaks volumes for the moral depravity that has befallen us under the guise of freedom. Freedom is good, freedom is great, freedom is our birthright but not if half the population, namely the women are going to be denigrated and treated in a derogatory manner.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Elephants in Entertainment

Elephants in Entertainment Introduction Although mankind did coexist with wildlife since time immemorial there has been change in trend in how the two associate. There are cases in which animals from the wild have been captured and trained for entertainment purposes (Kregerk 93).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Elephants in Entertainment specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is worth noting that despite the fact that people feel entertained by circuses that entail animals especially elephants, they know very little or completely nothing about the suffering the animal under go during captivity and training. This paper thus seeks to critically bring forth how they are captured from the wild and the impact of cruel treatment they receive and the deplorable condition in which they inhabit. Training of elephants in circus and their effects It is worth noting that majority of elephants taken for training is juveniles who are taken from the wild. Shock ingly, poachers go to an extent of killing their mothers so that they can have control of these young majestic animals. Having in mind that these animals have strong social bound, effective communication systems, ability to mourn their dead and a wide habitat range, confining them to small cages is inhuman and cruel to such animals. The physical beating, shocking and whipping elephants receive during training so that they perform during circus are inflicted with unbearable pain (Alward 124) There are cases where young elephants and physically disabled or even die from injuries associated with the beatings. Additionally being restricted in confined cages denies elephants the opportunity to exercise their roaming freedom. On the same note, in captivity they are not allowed to mingle with other. Being highly social animals, this make them stressed up. Interestingly, when individual elephants are separated for long, their family ties are torn apart. In cases where some are given birth t o while in captivity, there are limited chances of them being released back to the wild; and if that could happen individual would definitely have very limited chances of surviving in the wild. According to Alward 79 there are also chances that individuals in captivity will interbreed. The negative implication of this scenario is that the population in the long run will lack genetic diversity and may be serious impacted in future. For instance bring forth individuals that are not well suited in coping with the existing conditions. Lastly, the deplorable conditions which they are subjected to such as being left in the sun, sleeping on their waste make them prone to suffering from diseases such as foot and mouth, joint diseases causing premature deaths of those in captivity.Advertising Looking for essay on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Ethos and Logos On the other hand, there are individuals wh o see nothing wrong when using animals especially elephants in entertaining people. It is claimed that their culture is what makes them do what they are doing. Additionally, such activities they say help them mark certain important historical event in their lives. It is actually a form of cultural identity. Another argument in support of elephant in circus is that it helps in enhancing the conservation of the endangered species. However, considering the treatment they receive, opponents are left with unanswered question with regards to conservation initiatives (Jaynes par. 4). The amount of money generated from such entertainment shows as circus in which elephants are used to perform certain unusual tricks have also been used to justify the case. Conclusion From the review of elephants in circus, there are indeed issues of concern that need to be addressed. Asian elephants that are used in such entertainment activities are in fact threatened and their population declining at a pace that replenishing cannot match. The brutal treatment they are subjected to as well as confinement work against efforts of conserving these majestic social animals. Although culture and monetary value derived from the activity can be used to justify the while thing, there is need for Americans to rethink their views on such wild animals. Alward, Lori. Why circuses are unsuited to elephants. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008. Print. Jaynes, Mike. How Circus Elephants Are Abused by Their Trainers, 2011 viewed on https://www.thoughtco.com/how-circus-elephants-are-sometimes-abused-127647 Kregerk, Michael. Canvas to concrete: Elephants and the circus-zoo relationship. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008. Print.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Elephants in Entertainment specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More

Monday, November 4, 2019

GLOBALIZATION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

GLOBALIZATION - Essay Example In the opinion of (Steger 22), in later part of the 20th century, the world found economic growth as ulterior factor for progress and power so, nations standing aloof meant retrogress and backwardness to them. To have a rational analysis of economics in globalization phenomenon, I have structured this essay in two main sections. First section discusses correlation between global environment and local issues. Further, second section exhaustively deals with implications of poverty on global environment as well as on local level. In this section, argumentative approach is taken regarding what poverty literally means to global environment as well as to local one. Finally, this paper ends up with a detailed Globalized world has a logical association with local issues because, local issues profoundly influence global environment. In this highly globalized world local problems become international and international concerns have implications on local level so, there is strong relationship between global environment and local issues. These issues include many things such as: concerns relating to environmentalists, third world countries, and critics of capitalism, business organizations and trade unions of rich countries. Further, health issues, labor rights, cultural issues and issues of national integrity also have nexus with international environment. International arena is more concerned with dealing with these problems as they pose threat to unification of the world driven by communication, transportation and information technology. International scenario is concerned with issues of environmentalists because global world does not seem to have same environmental conditions across the globe. Further, global warming which has serious implications for some countries, but has a sunny side for others, has seriously affected globalization process. In this connection, world

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Positive effects on future U.S. national security based on global Assignment

Positive effects on future U.S. national security based on global trends 2030 - Assignment Example Although there are several elements of global trends, this policy paper will only analyze three of the trends which may have very huge positive effects in future. (Carpenter & Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005). NIC should be able to provide framework regarding global trajectories by thinking about probable future and their consequences because it is not possible to predict the future. Explanation There is likeliness that the world of 2030 will be a different world ushering a new era of democratization both at the local and international level. There will be possibility of numerous changes concerning diffusion of power, individual empowerment, demographic changes and growth of food, water and energy nexus (Field & Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2012). Looking at the demographic patterns, there is needed to check on the aging, youthfulness, migration and urbanization because they will have a considerable influence on international relations. Perhaps, by 2030 the popula tion may have gone much higher than expected hence leading to serious constraint on resources that are already very limited. Possibly, there will be a shrinking number of youthful societies hence creating uphill battle of sustaining the living standards because of the large number of aged individuals who may not be able to work and feed the world sufficiently. In addition, there may be increased number of urbanization prompting increase in housing facilities and other amenities in the urban centers and lower food production globally (National Intelligence Council, 2012). Food, water and energy will have their demand going high due to population increase as well as worsening state of climate. Global warming may have serious effects on these critical resources owing to serious crisis. Water levels will go down accompanied by increase in precipitation that would largely increase scarcity in the world. It is undeniable also that the energy consumption shall have gone very high (Carpente r & Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005). There is also likeliness of increase in individual empowerment in the coming years which may have a major impact by 2030. Individual empowerment may have very significant effect on poverty reduction being that the middle class will go high due to improved education standards as well as improved healthcare. Middle class will be regarded as the most vital class in the society especially being that they are both cause and effect of other trends such as improved communication and production technologies. Individual initiative will play an important role in taking personal initiatives in solving increasing global challenges. Most people will have access to disruptive technologies by 2030 which may enable them to initiate violence or any other form of information most likely through the social media (National Intelligence Council, 2012). Analysis Looking at demographic patterns, there are issues that should be carefully analyzed such as aging, y outhful Societies and states, migration and urbanization which may impose serious threat on the National intelligence Council. It is undeniable that the age structure is rapidly changing and will therefore have significant influence on the demographic pattern. Particularly, there would be an increase in aged and median age groups may impose health challenges. Youthful minority may have very huge effect when it comes to instability in many countries around the world. It is

Thursday, October 31, 2019

The career of Mozart Wolfgang Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The career of Mozart Wolfgang - Research Paper Example In order to understand the value of orchestration for Mozart’s works it should be necessary to refer primarily to the characteristics of orchestration, as a technique used while performing music pieces with different requirements in terms of their performance environment. In its most common form, orchestration can be described as ‘the division of a musical composition among the instruments of an orchestra for artistic effects’. These effects are not standardized. For certain composers, such as Mozart, emphasis would be given on the sense of unity of the music piece. Other effects, such as the unexpected change on a music piece’s tone, could be also achieved using orchestration. The first concerns for the potential value of orchestration in regard to the performance of music works have appeared in the 18th century (Keefe 2003). During that period, the need for a technique for increasing the tone effects of music works was made clear. Instrumental effects could be used for securing a ‘grand tone, like a Pindaric one’, but up to a point.... e contribution of Mozart in the promotion of orchestration is made clear through the following fact: orchestration, as part of performing music works, was known by the late 18th century (Keefe 93). However, in the past, before Mozart, orchestration was related only to ‘wind instruments’ (Zaslaw 439). Mozart introduced orchestration as a technique for increasing the tone effects of a music piece by engaging all instruments of the orchestra, a practice that has been unknown by then (Zaslaw 439). Indeed, it was just in Paris Symphony of Mozart that the potentials of orchestration were full revealed. During the performance of the above work all instruments of the orchestra were employed for achieving unique, up to then, orchestral effects, such as the sense of ‘unity and of coloristic nuance’ (Zaslaw 439) in regard to all parts of a music piece. At this point, the following issue should be explored: which are the factors that influenced Mozart in choosing orches tration as a key technique for presenting his works to the public? In addition, it should be made clear at what level orchestration has been part of Mozart’s works. Finally, the key tools used by Mozart for promoting orchestration should be presented. Different factors tend to influence composers and performers when having to choose instruments that will be used in performing music works. For example, when composers were asked to develop music works for ‘a powerful person who loved to play a particular music instrument and wished to combine it with others’ (Honigsheim 98), the music work ordered needed to meet the following criterion: it should be based solely on ‘the combination of this instrument with others’ (Honigsheim 98). Mozart has responded to such requests developing music pieces based

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Article review in fashion industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Article review in fashion industry - Essay Example However, this may not be always easy for the companies to know what designs offends or goes against cultural beliefs and practices of an individual society2. However, there are certain ways that designers can avoid conflicts and offending others using their designers3. For instance in the case of Urban Outfitters, in the controversy regarding the grey and white striped pattern combined with a pink triangle, may be the Company would have changed the color of the stripes and the triangle shape to a different one, and that way it would not have offended anyone. Also, in cases of ‘Punk as F**k Shirt’ and ‘Pro-booze Shirts for Kids,’ Urban Outfitters would have avoided using offending logos, in particular, to the parents who always wish that their children would not suffer due to negative fashion influences. I believe that it is possible to convince the market people on any controversy, but if only it is not repeated several times. Furthermore, asking for genuine apology can make the market people change their attitude and perceive the apologizing party as sensitive, and thus forgive

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Data leakage

Data leakage Data leakage is the unauthorized or unintentional exposure, disclosure, or loss of sensitive information (GAO, 2007, p.2). Many businesses have in their control sensitive data about their organisation, employees and customers. The Information Commissioner (ICO) in a recent press statement (ICO,2010) is alarmed with the unacceptable number of data leakages within the modern world and will issue fines for major breaches to commence in 2010. In addition to our markets, the safety and security of our information could not be assumed either. (Verizon Business, 2009 p.2). In 2008 there appears to be a link between the turn of the recession and an increase in reported data leakages. Research conducted by Verizon Business (2009) showed that the number of reported compromised records was more than the previous four years combined as shown below in Figure 1.1. Figure 1.1 Number of records compromised per year in breaches investigated by Verizon Business (2009) Within this study (Verizon Business, 2009) it was found that the industries with the highest number of data leakages were in retail (31%) and financial services (30%). As employees exit, so does corporate data (Ponemon Institute, 2009, p.1). A survey conducted (Ponemon Institute, 2009) showed 59% of employees who left a business (including voluntarily and those asked to leave) stole data. It is difficult to measure the entire impact of a data leakage. Data Breaches Are Frequent, but Evidence of Resulting Identity Theft Is Limited; However, the Full Extent Is Unknown. (GAO, 2007, p.1.)   The financial impact on a business per breach according to the Ponemon Institute (2006) is on average $4.8 million.   Breaches can not only be financially costing to a business but also extremely damaging to a companys reputation, this study (Ponemon Institute, 2006) showed that 60% of customers terminated or considered terminating contracts after a security breach. According to Verizon Business (2009) in 2008 91% of all compromised records were linked to organized criminal groups. Examples of confidential data that criminal groups may wish to obtain are companys financial information, customers sensitive data and credit card details.   There are many ways in which data leakage can occur, some of which will be discussed in the following chapter of this report. 1.2 Data Leakage in the Media The media is one of the most influencing ways of communicating issues globally. Data leakage appears to be increasingly more popular in the media as the reported breaches increase. The ICO stated that there were 434 organisations that reported data security breaches in 2009, the previous year had 277 reported (Unacceptable level of data loss, 2009). This evidence supports the theory of there being an increase in breaches during the recession but what must be taken into account is that there is an increase in the reported cases. It may be that more businesses are becoming aware of data leakages where previously they were oblivious to breaches committed or did not disclose the known leakages. Reported in the media, a Nationwide employees laptop was stolen from their home containing confidential customer data (FSA,2007). 11 million Nationwide customers were said to be at risk of identity crime at the time. The FSA (Financial Services Authority) were alerted by the breach and it was found that the Nationwide did not start an investigation until 3 weeks after the theft took place. The firm were fined  £980,000 by the City watchdog for the security violation. Another example in the media (Previous Cases of Missing Data, 2009) is the Ministry of Defence data security breaches. The Ministry of Defence admitted to losing or having stolen 121 memory sticks in a four year period. According to this press release (Previous Cases of Missing Data, 2009) Defence Secretary Des Browne said 747 laptops had been stolen of those only 32 have been recovered. 1.3 Data Loss Prevention (DLP) The protection of sensitive data, to avoid data breaches, should be a vital part of a business day to day operations. Yet organisations rarely have adequate visibility or control of their data (Broom, cited in When financial data goes missing, 2008). From the research conducted (Verizon Business, 2008) out of all the data leakages that occurred in the year 87% were preventable through simple or intermediate controls. This suggests that many businesses are not putting in adequate controls to prevent leakages. The Date Protection Act (DPA) is a framework to ensure that personal information is handled properly (ICO, The Basics, no date). One of the principles of the act is, it is the responsibility of the business to secure the sensitive data it withholds. The DPA have the right to prosecute and unless exempt, all businesses have to abide by this act. The difficulty faced by many businesses is to manage the risk without affecting their productivity and to manage risk in a new and challenging environment (CFO Research Services and Crowe Chizek and Company LLC , 2008, p.2). The important factors to consider when implementing a DLP plan is the alignment of process, technology and people as a unit.   developing a robust security policy and ensuring that all employees fully understand their role and obligations(Broom, cited in When financial data goes missing, 2008). Broom also stated that users need high-quality training and good communication regarding information security concerns. Chapter 2: Types of Threats Threats to the protection of data can be split into two broad categories: Internal and External threats. Internal threats are from within the business itself and majorly centred on employees actions. Attacks from outside of the business are known as external threats. Examples include hackers, organized crime groups and government entities (p.8, Verizon Business, 2009) According to Verizon Business (2008 or 2009) 20% of reported data breaches are caused by insiders whilst 39% of the breaches involved multiple parties, thus proving the importance of a combination of internal and external controls. 2.2 External Threats According to Verizon Business, 2008 saw   more targeted, cutting edge, complex, and clever cybercrime attacks than seen in previous years   (p5 2009). The fact that attacks appear to be increasingly more sophisticated is a concern for many organisations to ensure they have adequate control measures in place. One of the most common external threats to data security is Malware.   According to Easttom (p6 Computer Secuirty Fundamentals) Malware is the Generic term for software that has a malicious purpose. Malware can be used to steal confidential data from a personal computer to a global network. A virus is a small program that replicates and hides itself in other programs, usually without your knowledge (Symantec,2003) through Computer security fundamentals p6.) A Trojan Horse is a useful or apparently useful program containing hidden code that, when invoked, performs some unwanted function. (P48 info sec pipkin). Trojans must spread through user interaction such as opening an e-mail attachment. It looks legitimate and so users are tricked into executing the malicious program. The Trojan can then potentially delete files, steal data and spread other malware. They can also be created to generate back doors to give hackers access to the system. (http://www.cisco.com/web/about/security/intelligence/virus-worm-diffs.html) An example of a dangerous Trojan is the Dmsys Trojan. According to (http://www.2-spyware.com/trojans-remova) and (http://www.uninstallspyware.com/uninstallDmsysTrojan.html) it steals users confidential information by infecting instant messengers. It uses a keystroke logging technique to steal passwords and private conversations. This information is stored in a log file and then sent to the hacker. Thus allowing the malicious user to have access to potentially, confidential information. There are various tools online that can dispose of this Trojan automatically, but if a user wanted to do it manually they would need to delete the files: dmsysmail.eml and dat.log. Manually Deleting Malware Each program consists of files. Evenspyware, a virus or a different parasite all have their own files( http://www.2-spyware.com/news/post203.html ) To remove a parasite usually means to delete all its files. According to this website, it is not always this simple, as files being used by active applications can not be deleted and some of the Malwares files may be set to invisible. Following this sites guidelines: Open Windows Task Manager and select End Process but only works if you know what processes should be running and those that look suspicious. Once you have stopped the process it is now possible to try and delete the malicious files. Locate the folder you believe the program to be (eg My Computer) and ensure all hidden and protected files are visible (Tools, Folder Options, View, Advanced Settings).There may still be files that are invisible, now type cmd into run to access the Command Prompt. Within the Command Prompt enter dir /A folder_name. All files within this folder will be listed including all hidden files. To delete these files within the cmd enter the command cd folder_name to locate the folder. Then enter del file_name to delete the file. Ensure the Recyle Bin is also emptied. http://www.2-spyware.com/news/post203.html steps on how to manually remove Malware. Preventing Malware attacks Since new viruses are introduced daily (p49 info sec pipkin) an up-to-date valid anti-virus software is essential to avoid data leakages via Malware. Vulnerability patching firewalls A combination of the mentioned attacks can be catastrophic to the security of data hacking gets the criminal in the door, but malware gets him the data (p20 verizon) It is critical that a blend of the above security measures are put into place. 2.1 Internal Threats Whether knowingly or unknowingly, innocently or maliciously, employees engage in behaviours that heighten the risk of data loss.( Cisco data leakage find page) According to a study conducted by cisco data leakage 46% of employees admitted to transferring files between work and personal computers and approximately 1 in 4 admitted sharing sensitive information with friends, family, or even strangers. According to the Deputy Information Commissioner David Smith (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/8354655.stm) Unacceptable amounts of data are being stolen, lost in transit or mislaid by staff. Dangerous numbers of personal data is still being needlessly stored on unencrypted laptops and USB sticks. if they do not think about security, users can start to cause quite a few problems p37 computer insecurity book. bar chart 5 ponemon 2009 page8 info kept after leaving chart 7 ponemon 2009 page 9 According to Ponemon (2009), only 11% of the respondents who took part in this research had permission from their supervisor to keep this information. in figure à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. An alarming percentage of the above transfers may have been avoided with appropriate controls, which will be discussed later in this report. It can often be hard to detect data leakages, such an employee copying confidential data to a USB device. more often, the information is left just as it was so that the theft is not quickly discovered p59 info sec pipkin. Using a Data Leakage Prevention tool can assist in monitoring and blocking users risky actions to avoid leakages. In this report Digital Guardian by Verdasys will be used to demonstrate some examples of how a DLP tool can be used to assist in the battle of information security. Chapter 3: Verdasys Digital Guardian Software Introduction Digital Guardian is a comprehensive and proven data security solution for protecting and tracking the flow of critical data anywhere in the world. (Verdasys, 2006) (http://www.daman.it/wp/dg/Digital_Guardian_DS.pdf ) According to Verdasys (2006) Digital Guardian (DG) can help to prevent the loss of data by identifying hard to detect user actions. The tool can block unauthorized access, copying, printing, and other user actions. The DG platform consists of a central server and control console to communicate with remote agents deployed to desktops, laptops and servers where data needs protection. It is an agent based (Endpoint) Data Loss Prevention (DLP) tool. These agents operate silently and report rules violations, continuing to operate even when a device is removed from the network. (Verdasys, 2006 http://www.daman.it/wp/dg/Digital_Guardian_DS.pdf ). The DG server is accessed via a web-based interface to the Control Console.   Figure à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ DG Management /Control Console The above figure is the web-based management console. This tool can be implemented on both Windows and Linux machines. For this project Windows machines have been used. Capabilities Digital Guardian can monitor or block various risky actions users are taking. Whether it be users abuse or accidental operations. There are many actions that the software can perform some of which will be shown in the followingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. Rules can be created within the software and then applied to policies which are deployed to machines chosen. These rules can generate warnings to the user and also email alerts to administrators upon policy breach. Reports can be generated to allow for auditing and drilldown summaries of use of data and users actions. Along with being able to completely block specific actions DG can also ask for justification from a user which is a form of Soft Blocking (DG, 2006). This type of DLP can also allow for a monitoring only approach, which   according to ( http://www.networkcomputing.com/wireless/time-to-take-action-against-data-loss.php) can be more   successful than a blocking solution. It can be used assist in computer forensics investigations whether it would be monitoring triggered rules by prohibited actions that breach corporate policy or more sinister illegal activity. According to (http://www.networkcomputing.com/wireless/time-to-take-action-against-data-loss.php)   The beginning of the investigative process is to find out what was being sent, where, and by whom. Is it legitimate business reasons? Maliciously? They didnt know any better? Blocking may keep the data safe, but it wont answer those questions. (http://www.networkcomputing.com/wireless/time-to-take-action-against-data-loss.php) There are functions within the tool that can block the removal of confidential data via clipboard actions (cut/paste/print screen).   add on features such as mail/file encryption and content inspection by Autonomyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (company name) (Verdasys 2006) Figure (à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦) shows the capabilities of the software, How the software works Digital Guardian installs drivers that tie into the Operating System (O/S) at a very low level within the kernel. When an application wants to save a file, it calls a function within the application that does this, and that the O/S handles the task, right down to the kernel that does the hard work, without application writers having to know the details.DG ties into that kernel, detects these events happening, extract useful details (like the filename and size etc), and then send the details onto the DG server. The advantage of this is that any application saving a file will have to get the O/S to do it, so tying in at that very low level ensures it works for virtually all applications. Any more Installation oh god try and remember!! Installation details of .. appendix. windows server,   SQL Server, DG Server, DG Agents,   Hardware and Software à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ pre , key etc. Detailed in the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Digital Guardian files.   Limitations  Ã‚   - FIND some Digital Guardian is mainly used for insider threats and doesnt lessen external threats by intruders or malicious attacks. It also does not address server and network vulnerabilities. (http://www.software.co.il/data-security/17-data-loss-prevention-shoppers-guide.html) No functionality to actually block users downloading applications (CHECK THIS) and running them if not already blocked within Application Management. The software has to be installed on the network to be able to block the use of it. check!! No rule to be able to block all attachments sent via emailcheck Scalability challenge of maintaining classifications of Windows shares/content (http://www.software.co.il/data-security/17-data-loss-prevention-shoppers-guide.html) Chapter 4: Testing and Implementation Policy Exception USB Encrypt Email Prompt Encrypt Mail Rule Encrypted Email Password Application Management Application Management Exceptions Application Management Exceptions Block of Applications Prompt Upload Via Webmail Upload via Webmail Prompt Block upload via webmail sites. This rule controls users access. Instead of completely blocking their access to certain sitesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Can access the specified sites but can not upload to these sites. For example social networking sites like Facebook. Stops the sending of attachments via webmail.   à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ If laptop accessed from outside of network these rules will still functionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. NEED BETTER SCREEN SHOT THAN THIS IS THERE A COMPONENT RULE FOR THIS? Control of USB Devices Block non-approved USB devices Within DG it is possible to block all uploads to all USB devices, thus preventing all users from removing any data from the network. It is also possible to block uploads to USB devices with the exception of predefined USB devices. For example if a business provides users with an encrypted USB device (such as Kingston.) a rule is created to say block all USB device if stated device is not listed in the component rule associated. The USB device is recognised by its Product ID and Vendor ID. These IDs can be discovered by using a simple tool such as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Block non approved USBs Above is the control rule called Block non approved USBs. This rule is set to block any File Copy/Move/SaveAs to a removable device that is not listed within the function (component control rule) approved usb device. Component rule for USB Approved Within the approved usb device component rule is the Vendor Id and Product Id for the approved USB device(s). USB Block Prompt If the USB device inserted does not match the predefined approved removable device then the above prompt is triggered. This prompt is flexible and any message the administrator wishes to set will be displayed. Once Close is selected no data can then be transferred to the device. This way if the USB device is lost/stolen it is encrypted so would be extremely difficult to view any sensitive contents on the device without knowing the password. This rule could be useful for businesses where their employees have to travel regularly (eg Sales) and so data needs to be easily transportable. Obviously this rule does not stop users from stealing the data but does assist with accidental loss. The software could still be used to monitor who/what/how much data is being transferred to these devices. BETTER SCREEN SHOT Content inspection rulesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Look into TRY AND CRACK/BREAK THESE RULES. Manually blocking USB within the Registry It is possible to manually block all USB devices via the registry. The following steps were taken from Microsofts Support site (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/823732). Before manually adapting the registry it is strongly recommended that a backup of the registry is made as any errors made within the registry can cause severe problems.   To enter the registry of the computer from the Start menu click Run and enter regedit.   Find the registry key : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesUsbStor. On the right hand side double click Start as highlighted in figureà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.   Ensure Hexadecimal is highlighted and enter 4 within Value data. This will now block all USB devices being used on this machine. When a device is plugged into the machine the device will not be acknowledged. To re-enable USB devices follow the same steps above but change the Value data back to the default value of 3. Chapter 5: Analysis of results founded by Digital Guardian.   Digital Guardian Technology   ANY IMPROVEMENTS FOR DG Chapter 6: Critical review of other products Having assessed an Endpoint (agent based) DLP tool, secondary research was conducted on a Network DLP tool, Websense Data Security, for comparison. Figure below is a table of brief pros and cons for different DLP measures available, taken from informationweek.com . Analyse table Taken from (http://www.informationweek.com/1163/163ss_impactassessment690.jhtml;jsessionid=WA0XH3S4GN0CTQE1GHPSKH4ATMY32JVN) WhenDLPvendors are being honest, theyll readily admit they cant stop the serious and skilled insider from getting data out. (http://www.networkcomputing.com/wireless/time-to-take-action-against-data-loss.php)Their real significance is in finding employees who are accidentally leaking data, those who dont know its against policy or who are taking risky shortcuts to get their jobs done. Websense Data Security is a network based DLP tool with forward proxy.   According to a review by (http://www.software.co.il/data-security/17-data-loss-prevention-shoppers-guide.html) it is typically used for monitoring email traffic and quarantining suspect messages. It requires placing an application-layer proxy next to an Exchange server or server agent. With a network based DLP such as Websense it avoids having to install an agent onto every machine, and instead involving installing network taps. As data passes through these it is checked, and events collected that way. According to(http://www.networkcomputing.com/wireless/time-to-take-action-against-data-loss.php) Network-based solutions have the potential to be more vulnerable to an insider threat. An insider can steal data out via thenetwork, using encryption or steganography (where data is embedded within another data format). Unlike DG a network-based tool would not prevent a user plugging in a USB stick and copying files, it also would not log that this event had even occurred. TYPE UP MORE COMPARISONS Still, an even somewhat paranoid but unskilled insider can use a cell phone or digital camera to photograph documents on the screen. No form ofDLPcan protect against that. (http://www.networkcomputing.com/wireless/time-to-take-action-against-data-loss.php) Installing   a DLP tool is not the be all and end all protection against threats and as emphasised earlier in this report a combination of measures needs to be addressed. Chapter 7: Conclusion and Future Work. Highlight any deficiencies etc Ethical Traking employees? ANY IMPROVEMENTS FOR DG   .Many different aspects to consider Link intro with conclusion. Verizon other factors p3 . The best security technology in the world wont produce a good return on investment without the foundation of security processes, policies, and education. P8 Cisco data leakage. if you have never experienced a security incident, does this mean that you are secure? Or does it just mean that, so far, you have been lucky? computer insecurity book in short no one is immune computer insecurity book More.. Glossary Bibliography Online Sources ICO. (2010), Press Release: Data Breaches to Incur up to  £500,000 penalty, [Online]. Available at [Accessed 31st January 2010]. (2009),Unacceptable Level of Data Loss, [Online]. Available at [Accessed 1st February 2010]. FSA. (2007), Final Notice to Nationwide Building Society, [Online]. Available at [Accessed 26th January 2010] (2009), Previous Cases of Missing Data [Online]. Available at   [Accessed 12th January 2010] Broom, A. (2008),When financial data goes missing.[Online]. Available at [Accessed 3rd February 2010] ICO. (date unknown), The Basics . [Online] Available at [Accessed 2nd February 2010] Journals GAO. (2007), What GAO Found, Report to Congressional Requesters Verizon Business (2009), Data Breach investigations Report Ponemon Institute. (2009), As Employees Exit so does Corporate Data, Data Loss Risks During Downsizing Ponemon Institute. (2006), 2006 Annual Study: Cost of a Data Breach CFO Research Services, Crowe Chizek and Company LLC. (2008), The Changing Landscape of Risk Management Appendices