Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Effects of the Westward Expansion of the Colonies of the United States Essay

Impacts of the Westward Expansion of the Colonies of the United States - Essay Example Step by step the Americans moved far into the west looking for fruitful grounds independent of being changes over to Christianity or having strict opportunity. They even started exchanging with the Indians, which prompted a few settlements with them. Inspite of these harmony bargains war proceeded as the Indians scarcely thought to be limited to settlements and the US government was faithful to its obligation of securing the development towards the west. In 1848 San Francisco was a little district, which developed into a major city dependent on fast commercialization, and industrialization while the mining business became advocated. The move towards the west was started attributable to a quest for new and better open doors as far as land for cultivating and employments to endure. The Midwest turned into the appealing zone for the pilgrims and the modern upheaval empowered commercialization. The owners of the terrains started to advance their items by demonstrating sufficient availabi lity with the east. As the woods zones got diminished in the east during 1849 the timber business moved westwards to Michigan and Minnesota. This would guarantee they were not moving ceaselessly from development. Once more, the callings slowly moved from cultivating to different exercises like ambling and mining. Modern upset realized hardware, which spared work, and cultivating became smoother.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Standard of Care Essay Example for Free

Standard of Care Essay Contextual analysis: Sandra, a 45-year old female, was brought into the crisis room by her companions with an extreme head wound. As indicated by her companions, Sandra stumbled and fell subsequent to devouring a few mixed beverages. At the point when she showed up at the emergency clinic she was mixed up and the medical clinic staff couldn't reach her closest relative. Because of the seriousness of her injuries, the doctor decided to start clinical methodology. 1. Characterize â€Å"standard of care.† How might fitting â€Å"standard of care† be resolved for this situation? Standard of care is an indicative and treatment process that a clinician ought to follow for a particular sort of patient, sickness, or clinical conditions. The proper standard of care to this patient is treat Sandra as in some other patient would be treated for a head injury. Clinical staff ought not treat her any unique since she had been devouring liquor. 2. What is the contrast among educated and suggested assent? Was the assent for this situation inferred, educated, or not one or the other? Clarify your reaction. With educated assent, this implies the individual knows about precisely what they are getting into. This normally comes up in clinical settings, where before an individual consents to a method they should know the advantages and risks. Another component of educated assent is that the individual must be intellectually fit for consenting. For instance, giving a seriously inebriated individual a rundown of advantages and perils doesnt truly educate him regarding anything. Inferred assent is the point at which you dont certifiably express assent verbally or recorded as a hard copy, yet your conduct demonstrates your assent. For instance, if a medical caretaker comes in the room and inquires as to whether it is alright to take your circulatory strain, and you raise your arm to her, you are consenting to the method. For this situation, Sandra was under suggested assent. The patient was garbled and couldn't verbally agree to treatment and be educated regarding any procedures. 3. Utilizing the web, look into the Patient Care Partnership. Distinguish and clarify three rights that the patient has as indicated by the Patient Care Partnership. The Patient Care Partnership supplanted the AHAs Patients Bill of Rights. This plain language handout illuminates patients about what they ought to expect during their medical clinic rema in with respect to their privileges and obligations. a. Great Hospital Care. It is an obligation of a medicinal services locationâ to supplier care you need with expertise, empathy, and regard. The patient has the option to tell the parental figures on the off chance that you have any worries about your consideration or in the event that you have any torment. You reserve the privilege to know the character of specialists, medical attendants, and others associated with your consideration. You likewise share the option to know whether they are understudies, inhabitants, or learners. b. Perfect and safe condition. A social insurance office utilizes exceptional strategies and methodology to dodge botches in quiet consideration and keep the patient liberated from misuse and disregard. c. Tolerant confidentiality.There are state and government laws that shield the patient’s data from being discharged to anyone outside of the patient’s direct consideration. 4. Utilizing the web, look into the Good Samaritan Laws in your state. Sum up it and clarify in the event that it would apply to this case. Under the State of Nebraska, the Good Samaritan Law expresses, no individual who renders crisis care at the area of a mishap or other crisis unwarrantedly, will be held at risk for any considerate harms because of any demonstration or exclusion by such individual in rendering the crisis care or because of any demonstration or inability to act to give or orchestrate to clinical treatment or care for the harmed individual. The Good Samaritan law doesn't make a difference to this case in light of the fact that the patient was not at the area of a mishap, however at the emergency clinic. At the point when the patient is on emergency clinic or center property, there are different liabilities that become possibly the most important factor (http://www.cprinstructor.com/NE-GS.htm). 5. Characterize the terms beneath and give a case of how every one of these standards ought to be utilized for this situation: Respect: regard is to show that individual consideration and to respect the person’s emotions. Sympathy: the capacity to comprehend and share the sentiments of another. Poise: the state or nature of being deserving of respect or regard. For the situation introduced, compassion is appeared to the patient by how you are responding around the patient. You would prefer not to make quick developments, except if crisis is required, on the grounds that the patient could stir at any second and be scared. You show the patient regard and respect by regarding her as a patient. The clinical staff ought not treat her terrible and judge her as a drunkard. The clinical staff is there to treat the patient and not to pass judgment or make the patient awkward in any capacity whatsoever.

Monday, July 27, 2020

What Things Can You Get Rid Of

What Things Can You Get Rid Of Were overrun  by stuff. Our homes are crowded with unused itemsâ€"things that arent adding value to our lives. Overwhelmed, many of us want to simplify, but we dont even know where to start. Heres an idea: Start in the easiest places. Identify some things that youre certain are not adding value to your life. What unnecessary things are you holding on to just in case? That bin of dusty VHS tapes? Whens the last they were watched? That hall closet teeming  with mismatched bath towels? How many towels can we  actually use? That stack of unread magazines piled in the basement? Why do we hold on to these when we know we wont ever read them? That extra kitchenware that has gone untouched for  years? How many plates and cups and bowls do we  really need? That junk drawer brimming with electrical cables and old cell phones? Sure, those old electronics used to be  worth something, but not anymore. What else? Be honest with yourself. Whens the last time you found  value in  many of the items cluttering your home? You see, just because those things arent adding value to your life, that doesnt mean that someone else cant get value from those items. Donating your excess stuff doesnt just clear some of the clutter from our  homesâ€"from our  livesâ€"it allows others to benefit from the items weve unnecessarily hoarded. Getting started is freeing. Amid an endless sea of stuff, simplifying our lives  keeps us  from drowning. Subscribe to The Minimalists via email.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Abrahamic Religions Judaism, Christianity, And Islam

Abrahamic Religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam The Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are the three key Western Religions they all exercise monotheism, achieving peace though justice, God’s love and mercy, all three trace back to the prophet Abraham in some way, even though he was first mentioned in the Hebrew Bible. These three religions are very closely unified because they share many common beliefs and thoughts, and they all rely on holy books or scriptures as a life-guided tool. While these religions do have a lot of the same beliefs, some are conflicting, which is what makes them their own unique religions. Christianity is the world’s most popular and practiced religion. Christianity arose in the city of†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.† (Rev.21.8,KJV) One thing that separates Christianity from the other two religions is the outlook on Jesus Christ, we believe that in the Book of John it is said that Jesus is 100 percent man and 100 percent God, and he died for the sins of the World by crucifixion, and that he now sits in heaven with a new, resurrected body, waiting to come back and reclaim the Earth. In Judaism, they do not really think anything of Jesus, they believe God is Yahweh, and that alone. They do not think of Jesus as a messiah or anything close. In the Islamic religion, they also believe that Allah is the only part of God, but th ey do credit Jesus to be the only man free of sin to ever live, but they do not think of him as the Messiah either, only a prophet. Judaism is practiced by a much smaller amount of people than Christianity, even though they share some of the same core values. The ultimate belief of Judaism is that there is only one God (Yahweh), making it a monotheistic Abrahamic religion as well. The people who practice Judaism use the Torah as their foundational text, which is the law of God as it was revealed to Abraham, and then to Moses and recorded in the firstShow MoreRelatedSimilarities And Differences Between Islam And Islam940 Words   |  4 PagesSimilarities and Differences among the Religious Beliefs of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are referred to as the three Abrahamic religions, this means that in addition to being monotheistic religions that worship the same God, these three religions feature Abraham in a foundational role (Gilman 15). Today’s government structures, traditions and laws of social behavior find their origin in the development of these three main beliefs. Although there has been theRead MoreEvolution of Abrahamic Religions 1022 Words   |  5 PagesEvolution of Abrahamic Religions â€Å"Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.† Genesis 17:5. This is a direct excerpt from the king james Bible where God is renaming Abram to Abraham. Abraham became the father of many nations and to day three of the most popular religions that span many people groups and ethnicities can trace the roots of their beliefs back to Abraham. Three main religions sprouted from Abrahamic traditionsRead MoreDispute Resolution And Religion Class793 Words   |  4 PagesShaima Alharbi Dispute Resolution and Religion Reflection Paper #4 â€Å"DR and Abrahamic Faiths In Dispute Resolution and Religion class, by Prof. Pownall, three presentations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam were presented each by a group of it’s believers. As every group had the opportunity to explain their faith and beliefs in their religion, I acknowledged that there are many resemblance between the three Abrahamic religions or at least in the point of â€Å"peacemaking†. In this paper, IRead MoreAbrahamic Faiths of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam1302 Words   |  5 Pages Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are united as Abrahamic Faiths because they share many common beliefs and thoughts. Over two billion people practice Christianity. Judaism is the original Abrahamic faith and originated in the Middle East over three thousand five hundred years ago. Islam is the second largest religion in the world, revealed over one thousand four hundred years ago in Mecca, Arabia. These three faiths share many common characteristics when it comes to their outlook on go d, women inRead MoreA Comparison of Religions1177 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all different types of Abrahamic religions. Abrahamic religions are the monotheistic faiths of the world. The most prominent of these are in fact Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, all of which can trace their religious origins back to Abraham (Bowker, 2008). Abraham is considered the ancestor of Israelites, the first Jewish believers, through his son Isaac. Isaac is generally associated with the foundation of the Israelite people while Abrahams other son, IshmaelRead MoreClassification of Religions1509 Words   |  7 PagesASSIGNMENT CLASSIFICATION ESSAY ON RELIGION Name : Reg. No. : Course Submitted to : RELIGION: Religion is a set of beliefs, cultural system and worldviews that establish symbols that relate humanity to spirituality and to moral values. It defines who you are, what you are and your views about the world. It gives its followers guidelines which frames their actions, attitudes, cultures and belief. TYPES OF RELIGIONS: There are more than four thousand religions in this world, however, most ofRead MoreHinduism, Christianity, And Islam Essay1279 Words   |  6 PagesIt is understood that each of the Abrahamic religions have tradition as interpreted through scripture. These traditions typically manifest through the practice of worship and ritual, which may be unique to each religion. The purpose of worship and ritual in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam is to show service and submission to the one all-powerful, infinite God through prayers unique to that faith, weekly worship gatherings, and various traditions. However execution of worship and ritual varies asRead MoreThe Quran And The Prophet Muhammad914 Words   |  4 Pagesbetween the Abrahamic religions, how the Quran portray the Jews and Christians, and the important connections between the Abrahamic religions. These are the key points that one will understand by the in depth process of analyzing the Quran document. There is a relationship between Islam, Judaism, and Christianity when it comes to certain aspects in each religious practice. On the other hand, there are also relationships between two of the religions and not all. These Abrahamic religions believe inRead MoreThe Three Abrahamic Religions And Islam994 Words   |  4 PagesThe Three Abrahamic Religions – Incongruity despite common Foundation Christianity evolved from Judaism, and Islam evolved from – mainly Syrian – Christianity. Naturally the three religions share a lot of common elements, but also many differences. Like most religions, the Judaic, Christian, and Islamic religions see themselves as a true religion based on godly revelation, and claim universal validity. Because of the many different appearances of religious phenomena, many see themselves faced withRead MoreSimilarities and Causes for Unfamilirity between Christianity and Islam1566 Words   |  7 PagesA religion can be thought of as a paradigm comprised of dogmas, cultural structures, and world views that govern the connection between an order of being and the human race. The majority of religions use cultural narratives, iconography, and sacred histories to elucidate the radix and meaning of not only life but also the universe. Devotees of a certain religion derive their morals, values, beliefs, and life choices from their respective indoctrinated convictions. Currently, there are approximately

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Visual And Contextual Analysis Of Vincent Van Gogh s The...

A Formal Visual and Contextual Analysis of Vincent Van Gogh’s The Starry Night When I first saw Vincent van Gogh’s painting of The Starry Night, I was immediately drawn to the peaceful luminescent stars emanating outward like vibrant yellow halos into the captivating striking blue sky. I felt a sense of calm and tranquility as the bright orange moon shone intently over the serene village below. The sprawling mountain range, grassy hills and fields of wheat intensified this feeling as a soft wind swept through the countryside. Under the immense stars and vibrant night sky, the people of the village sleep soundly in their cottages. This painting exudes an overwhelming feeling of calmness and peace in my mind. In Vincent van Gogh’s renowned painting, The Starry Night, the vast night sky dominates the background space of the painting. The brightness of the eleven stars, with their yellow celestial glow illuminate the night, blanketing the sleepy, rural village below. Far from the glaring lights of the urban landscape, the pureness of the stars’ radiance floats effortlessly above, lulling the people of the quaint village to sleep. Hovering in the upper right hand corner is a brilliant orange crescent moon, which contributes to the warm mood and aesthetic value of the piece. Mountains, rolling hills and wheat fields surround the cottages as though nature itself is getting a sleepy respite from a long day, much like the townspeople. Toward the forefront of the painting are

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Littering of Country Roads Free Essays

We see the signs everywhere, â€Å"LITTERING IS A CRIME PUNISHABLE BY A MAXIMUM $1,000 FINE OR IMPRISONMENT UP TO ONE YEAR, OR BOTH!† (Litter, 2007). The question in the minds of many of us though is â€Å"Why do people litter and especially along our country roads?† One of the definitions used for litter is â€Å"misplaced trash or solid waster† (Litter, 2007). Research in the area of â€Å"why do people litter† has been completed by several organizations and government entities. We will write a custom essay sample on Littering of Country Roads or any similar topic only for you Order Now I will examine some of the reasons I found in the research. One of the factors noted in the research was just simply lack of knowledge of the environmental effects of littering (Why, 2007). It has been shown in studies that just educating those who litter can make a difference in whether or not they continue to litter. We could speculate that possibly many of those in the country will not have as great of access to the information that helps to create an awareness to the problems littering creates. When litter has already accumulated in an area, research has shown the area to be more susceptible by others to be seen as an easy dumping grounds or an invitation to dump more. One of the reasons they encourage volunteers and regular litter clean-ups is to prevent further litter build-up. Because country roads are less likely in general to be a part of litter clean-ups this can add to the problem. Lack of social pressure to do the right thing was mentioned as contributing to the problem (Why, 2007). This could also be a contributing factor as to why litter is often seen more in rural areas or areas where the population tends to have a greater financial disadvantage. Litter in these areas may not be seen as great a priority as more basic needs and problems in the rural neighborhoods. Another factor was mentioned as there being a lack or an absence of consistent enforcement of the laws against littering (Facts, 2004). Although signs may be posted, if there is seen to be lack of enforcement in backing those littering laws, they will have little effect in that area or neighborhood. This can be another reason why there may seem to be more litter along the less visible and often less-traveled country roads. Enforcement officers tend to concentrate where there is greater population. According to one study, if the people or residents of an area have little pride in their neighborhood or in another person’s neighborhood, they are then more apt to toss out trash in that particular area. It also may be that if my neighbors yard is littered, it is less noticeable when my yard is littered. The country roads and rural areas are generally less noticeable than the city or urban areas. It is no secret that individuals with higher income who live in the suburbs have more income to spend on lawn upkeep and continuous lawn maintenance. Many areas in the country attract those with less income who would have less to continuously maintain their properties and the roadways that run along their properties. Lastly, it may be surprising to some, however, not all people see what they toss out as being regarded as litter. Studies show this is often the case for those who toss cigarette butts out the car window. When asked why they toss them along the roadside, they often respond in a way to indicate they do not feel as if cigarette butts, or some items should be included as trash or littering. However, cigarette butts â€Å"can take up to five years to break down† (Facts, 2004). References 2004. Facts about litter. Department of Environment and Conservation. http://www. Environment.nsw.gov (accessed April 21, 2007). 2007. Litter laws. Official Website of the city of Rock Hill. http://www.gov.pe.ca/ enveng/litter/index.php3?number=61866lang=E (accessed April 21, 2007). 2007. Why do people litter? Government of Prince Edward Island. April 21, 2007). Wikipedia contributors, ‘Litter’, Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 24 April 2007, 22:02 UTC, http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Litteroldid=126719517 [accessed 24 April 2007]          How to cite Littering of Country Roads, Essay examples

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The Metamorphosis The Last Four Pages Essay Example For Students

The Metamorphosis: The Last Four Pages Essay The Metamorphosis: The Last Four Pages Essay At first glance, the final four pages of Franz Kafkas novel The Metamorphosis seem to be meaningless. This assumption, however, is anything but the truth. The final four pages, although seeming to be of no importance, serve to show the reader how the Samsa family changes as a result of the main characters, Gregor Samsas, death. The familys changes are best exemplified in two different scenes: the scene at the kitchen table, and the scene on the trolley. During the scene at the kitchen table, there is a common change among the family members: their new willingness to do things independently. We will write a custom essay on The Metamorphosis: The Last Four Pages specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Their bold act of writing letters of excuse is a clear example of their new independence. Prior to Gregors death, the family relied completely on Gregors financial support and had little in terms of responsibilities. Kafka explains this lack of work when he writes, they Gregors parents had formed the conviction that Gregor was set for life in his firm . . . they were so preoccupied with their immediate troubles that they had lost all consideration for the future,(17). By taking the initiative and writing to their employers, Gregors family proves that they no longer depend on Gregor. The scene at the kitchen table proves revealing once again when Mr. Samsa announces that he will fire the cleaning lady (17). By doing so, Mr. Samsa demonstrates that he has changed and can take responsibility. Grete (Gregors sister) and Mrs. Samsa also show that they have changed by not contesting Mr. Samsas decision to fire the cleaning lady. In retrospect, firing the cleaning lady is an additional step towards change from the past. The second revealing scene is the scene on the trolley. In this scene, Kafka reveals the familys plans for the future, as well as the significant changes in Grete. He also emphasizes that leaving the apartment together is something they the family had not done in months(58). Demonstrating again their change to independence. Similarly, the familys plan to buy a smaller and cheaper apartment (58) further proves that they have become independent. Kafkas remarks pertaining to Grete reveal a different kind of change. During all of the turmoil involving Gregor, Grete matured both physically and mentally. The thoughts that Grete provokes in the minds of her parents reveal their good intentions for the future. In conclusion, the last four pages of Kafkas novel are a vital part of the story. The scene at the kitchen table and the scene on the trolley both play important roles in revealing the changes in the Samsa family. The change from being completely dependent on Gregor, and the mental and physical changes made by Grete. All of which were provoked by Gregors death. By the end of the novel, each member of the family is a different person. . The Metamorphosis The Last Four Pages Essay Example For Students The Metamorphosis: The Last Four Pages Essay At first glance, the final four pages of Franz Kafkas novel The Metamorphosis seem to be meaningless. This assumption, however, is anything but the truth. The final four pages, although seeming to be of no importance, serve to show the reader how the Samsa family changes as a result of the main characters, Gregor Samsas, death. The familys changes are best exemplified in two different scenes: the scene at the kitchen table, and the scene on the trolley. During the scene at the kitchen table, there is a common change among the family members: their new willingness to do things independently. We will write a custom essay on The Metamorphosis: The Last Four Pages specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Their bold act of writing letters of excuse is a clear example of their new independence. Prior to Gregors death, the family relied completely on Gregors financial support and had little in terms of responsibilities. Kafka explains this lack of work when he writes, they Gregors parents had formed the conviction that Gregor was set for life in his firm . . . they were so preoccupied with their immediate troubles that they had lost all consideration for the future,(17). By taking the initiative and writing to their employers, Gregors family proves that they no longer depend on Gregor. The scene at the kitchen table proves revealing once again when Mr. Samsa announces that he will fire the cleaning lady (17). By doing so, Mr. Samsa demonstrates that he has changed and can take responsibility. Grete (Gregors sister) and Mrs. Samsa also show that they have changed by not contesting Mr. Samsas decision to fire the cleaning lady. In retrospect, firing the cleaning lady is an additional step towards change from the past. The second revealing scene is the scene on the trolley. In this scene, Kafka reveals the familys plans for the future, as well as the significant changes in Grete. He also emphasizes that leaving the apartment together is something they the family had not done in months(58). Demonstrating again their change to independence. Similarly, the familys plan to buy a smaller and cheaper apartment (58) further proves that they have become independent. Kafkas remarks pertaining to Grete reveal a different kind of change. During all of the turmoil involving Gregor, Grete matured both physically and mentally. The thoughts that Grete provokes in the minds of her parents reveal their good intentions for the future. In conclusion, the last four pages of Kafkas novel are a vital part of the story. The scene at the kitchen table and the scene on the trolley both play important roles in revealing the changes in the Samsa family. The change from being completely dependent on Gregor, and the mental and physical changes made by Grete. All of which were provoked by Gregors death. By the end of the novel, each member of the family is a different person. Category: English .